Chapter 30

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Vacation to Bulgaria

"Athena, come downstairs! Your cabbie is here!" John called, grabbing her coat for her. He heard her call back an okay before he heard her begin to climb down the stairs. It was just a two day trip, and the flight only took about three hours, so she packed lightly, meaning that she could carry her bag down the stairs without trouble.

She stopped at the bottom and set her blue suitcase down beside the couch, eyeing the room once and taking it all in. She loved traveling, but this house had become home, and she would miss it. Sighing contentedly, she put her back to John.

He helped her put her jacket on, and hugged her after. "Be safe, don't do anything irresponsible, don't stay out too late," he said. "Call me if there are any problems."

She laughed at him and rolled her eyes. "Aye, aye, captain."

Mary went in for her hug next and whispered in her ear, "It's totally fine if you stay out, just don't do drugs."

Athena grinned from ear to ear and picked up her suitcase. "I'll see you guys Wednesday."

With that, she walked briskly out the door and down the pristine brick steps before handing the cabbie driver her luggage. She turned back to the house and waved one last time at Mary and John.

"Bye!" Mary called. "We love you!"

Athena smiled to herself. "Love you too!"

And then, she clambered into the cabbie and headed to the airport to get on Uncle Mycroft's private jet- which she found out yesterday that he unsurprisingly had. She watched the small suburban area pass and sped onto the interstate.

She missed the city, yeah, but soon enough she'd be in a Bulgarian city, sipping Bulgarian coffee and shopping in Bulgarian stores and-

Okay, she was way too excited for this trip.

It was to make up for the lack of celebration on her seventeenth birthday, because Uncle Mycroft was in Japan, meeting with a a few of their government leaders. He said that in May, he would be going to Bulgaria and would love to take her so she could explore. Fortunately, he won her over at the word Bulgaria.

So when she got to the airport, she stepped out of the cabbie and onto the pavement, smiling at everything around her. Paul met her at the door and led her around back to Uncle Mycroft's jet.

"You're stuck with me while Mycroft is working, kid. Hope you don't mind," Paul said, taking her suitcase and putting it in the compartment above her.

Athena smiled at him. "No problem tat all. I hope you know Bulgarian."

Paul scratched the back of his head. "This'll be an interesting couple of days."

They laughed together while Athena inspected the jet. It was big and roomy with plenty of chairs and tables and even a small kitchen with food and drink. She grinned. Of course Uncle Mycroft would have something like this.

Speaking of Uncle Mycroft, where was he? Surely he wasn't going to be late to their flight. She uttered her concerns to Paul, who waved off her worry.

"He had to finish some paper work- don't worry about it."

So while they waited, Athena began to read Beowulf from where she left off. It was actually quite difficult, but she could understand it well enough to pass English with a high mark. She got another fifteen pages in when Mycroft climbed onto the plane.

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