Chapter 17

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I would like to personally thank you all for reading and supporting my story. It means the world that you guys love Athena as much as I do. This next chapter is going to lighten up the darkness of the last couple. Lots of love.
- Anna

Long Time No See, And Riley Gets Jealous

After all the stress and pain of the last few weeks, Athena needed a break. It wasn't necessarily safe for her to go out anymore, but she honestly did not want to let that stop her.

So she snuck out, she told Mrs. Hudson that she'd be just down the street getting some noodles from the Italian restaurant and then dashed to the spot.

She seated herself close to the register, so that someone would notice if she was kidnapped, and called Riley. "Hey, Riles! Whatcha doin?"

She could practically hear the exasperation in his voice. "Hey, 'Thena. I'm just laying on my bed right now."

"Pfffft. That's boring. Get to the spot in ten minutes, before your mocha gets cold."


She quickly hung up and pulled out her laptop, then ordered two medium mochas. "Extra whipped cream on one, please."

"Athena!" someone from the kitchen yelled.

"Joseph!" Joseph was one of the cooks at the little café, the only one that bothered to acquaintance her through all the years she spent there. He was a young man, no older than seventeen, from Cuba with a thick accent and a lot of ambition. His father owned the café, so he began working there when he was about thirteen.

He rounded the counter and engulfed her in a big hug. "It's been ages, princessa!"

"I know, I know. But things have been going on," she explained.

"My shift just ended," he offered, taking off his apron. "Let me grab us some coffee, then we can talk."

Athena grinned. "Let me just pay for Riley's, then-"

"No, no, no. It's on me," he grinned devilishly.

"I couldn't let-"

"Princessa, piense en esto como un favor."

Stupid Joseph, using his Spanish all the time, knowing damn well that Athena had just started taking it last year.

"I only got half of that, and you know it. Fine. Go get the coffee, Riley'll be here any minute."

Joseph wandered back into the kitchen chuckling to himself. Athena sat down in front of her laptop and began to write an email to Sherlock.

"Dear, Sherlock,
Seeing as you never check your email, I figured this would be the best place to leave what I'm about to tell you. I learned a lot about Moriarty when I was kidnapped: he has a web of people, an entire system of everyone he has ever intimidated."

She heard Joseph coming of the kitchen, so she closed her email and opened solitaire. He peered over her shoulder at it as he set her cup in front of her and sat smoothly in the chair next to hers.

"Ahora, princessa, I know you did not come here to play solitaire and chat with your amigo," he said. "What is the matter?"

Athena shook her head, stray curls falling from her bun. "I felt restless at home."

"Mmm. I see. Is it because of what happened a few weeks ago with your father and that Estúpido?" he inquired over the top of his mug.

She sipped quietly at her coffee then sighed. "I'm assuming Julio told you what happened?"

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