Chapter 16

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Safety, and Revelation as to What Happened


Her words echoed mere moments before the sound of a gun did. Sherlock stood erect and rigid, as if mimicking a four by four. The gunman missed but barely. It shocked him until the adrenalin settled into his veins.

Running toward Athena, he pulled out a gun and shot the man that was gripping her tightly by the arm and trying to drag her off. He quickly took took the man's place and began to drag her away.

"Athena, we have to run. Come on," he hissed as her feet dragged on the ground.

Nodding numbly, she began to sprint with Sherlock, wind blowing against their faces.

Another gunshot rang through the air, and Sherlock was narrowly missed again. "We're almost to Scotland Yard!" he yelled over the wind whistling in their ears.

"But what about John? They could go after him!" she shouted back.

"I'll call Mycroft when we get inside! Don't slow down!"

They continued to sprint, Sherlock had pulled out his gun as they did so. "Don't panic!" he yelled.


He shot at the man chasing them, clipping his right shoulder. The man was right handed, so he was quite useless now. Sherlock grinned triumphantly.

"Moriarty has his men trained to be ambidextrous!" Athena added as she noticed the look on her father's face.

Sherlock cursed under his breath and picked up speed. "Just a few more meters!"

Her breathing was falling short and her legs burned as she stumbled alongside her father. A few more meters. Just a few. Then she'd be safe.


The word rang in her head as wind whipped her wild curls into her face. She hadn't felt safe in what seemed like a long time. But with her father holding her hand in a death grip, she felt safe, protected. Nothing could get to her so long as she was with Sherlock. Sherlock was like her own super hero of sorts.

Invincibility set in her bones and she pushed on. Ignore the burning lungs. Ignore the aching legs. You're invincible, even if just for this tiny moment. Moriarty and his men can't touch you. You've seen their worst. Give them your best.

She ran and ran until she burst through the two glass doors of Scotland Yard. Greg jumped up from his desk and ran toward the duo.

"Athena! You're alright, thank heavens."

"Ran... A... Lot... Prob..ably... Have... Dam...aged... Lungs... From... Moriar...ty."

"What? What'd he do?" Sherlock snapped, swiveling to her.

She put her hands on her hand. "Liquid smoke," she breathed.

"What? What do you-"

"Let's take her to Interrogation first," Lestrade cut in, grasping Athena's shoulder lightly.

She gasped at the contact. Her shoulders and back were deeply bruised, so much so that the lightest touch shot a deep ache through her.

Lestrade removed his hand hastily and made subtle eye contact with Sherlock. Naturally, Athena noticed. The shock and concern in his eyes were evident. Plus the way his mouth went slack when Sherlock's eyes flickered with emotion showed that he was trying his best to be strong.

Why he cared so much for her, she'd never know. The minimal contact between the two surely would have meant a slight acquaintanceship at the most. Regardless, she gathered herself and followed Lestrade to the interrogation room, where she recounted everything that happened in a monotone, emotionless voice.

She recounted being chased horrendously through the woods, arrows flying past her head. She glared blankly at the wall as she told tales of losing her breath in a tank of liquid smoke. She told him about the electrocution through the lock on the door.

The only time her voice shook was when she told Lestrade about the hit man slicing her open, laughing menacingly as she tried not to squirm or scream, as she tried to make sure he didn't win. She gasped in air as she told about how he questioned her sexuality, lightly brushing the long knife atop her nether regions. How he cackled as he jerked quickly and ripped the flesh on her inner thigh.

Then, she recomposed herself and stood. "That is all. I apologize for running off and potentially losing the case."

With that, she marched out of the room and asked Sherlock to call for a taxi.

Athena was tired and wanted to go home- that was all. They'd never really see her cry again, not if Moriarty was still out there breathing. She'd never give him that benefit.

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