Chapter 3

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Surgery, Living Arrangements, and Mycroft

Athena titled her head back and looked at the ceiling, a sigh escaping her lips. "I dodged a bullet, really. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a nice park be-"

"No you do not," Mr. Watson said, an eyebrow raised. "You have a nice warm bed in 221B and you're going to enjoy it."

Mouth gaping, she looked between the men and frowned. "You can't possibly- I mean we met just a few hours ago-"

"You're his daughter, Athena. We're not just going to leave you!"

Mr. Holmes' face muscles twitched ever so slightly, the corner of his jaw to be more specific. Instantly, she knew what he was thinking. "And who were you planning on dumping me on this time?"

Jumping at her words, Mr. Holmes, shook his head. "No one- permanently."

"Sherlock!" Mr. Watson seethed. "You can't just do that!"

Mr. Holmes rolled his eyes. "It wouldn't be forever. Just until we get 221B in a livable state."

"You procrastinate with everything. There's no way you'll get it suited for her in this century. We're taking her to her surgery and then she's coming with us to 221B and that's the end of it!"

Sighing, Mr. Holmes blanked his face completely and sat in a chair that was resting in the corner of the room.

Athena frowned slightly and made a mental note that John was kinder than most and to keep him close.

They trio waited in the little office for a moment or two before Carla came rushing back in. "I just found something in your X-ray and you're needed in surgery immediately!"

Athena was rushed off, the two men closely behind. Once in the operating room, they had to sedate her despite her insisting that she was fine- she was clearly annoyed when they brought out the needle.

When she awoke, she took in the brightness of the room in small doses, opening her eyes slowly rather than just jumping awake. Everything was hazy and blurred together, which meant the sedatives were still working- just not in the full effect.

"She's awake, Sherlock. Get her some water," she heard Mr. Watson say- though he sounded rather far off. "Do you need anything?"

"No thank you, Mr. Watson. What time is it?" Her voice was rough and thick, as if it hadn't been used in weeks.

"About nine in the morning. They sedated you and you slept through the whole night," he explained.

Great, she thought. She missed valuable reading time. Groaning, she burrowed herself further into the pillows. "But it was morning when I met you two..." she complained. "A whole day wasted."

"Now I wouldn't say wasted," she heard Mr. Holmes say, handing her a cup of water. She begrudgingly sat up to drink it. "They fixed your wrist to a heal-able state. Apparently some pieces of bone were nearly too small to be recognized."

The look on Mr. Holmes' face made her want to flinch away. It was only there for a mere moment, but she saw it- pure, white hot anger shining in his eyes and pulsing in his slack jaw. He seemed rather indignant to begin with, but that was simple anger.

"But you're fine now," Mr. Watson assured her. "They even got you a yellow cast."

Lo and behold there was a pale yellow cast on her arm, two signatures already adorning it. Grinning, she gulped down some water and set it on the table beside her bed.

"Why'd you keep me in the A&E through the night?"

Mr. Holmes frowned. "Doctor's recommendation." He clearly wasn't happy with it, so Mr. Watson must have convinced him.

Nodding, she went to sit up, using her right hand before remembering that her wrist wasn't moving any time soon. Huffing, she used her left hand and managed to sit up completely and start drinking her water again.

And that's when there was a light knock on the door and in walked a rather chubby man with a bald head and a came. He was of the respectable sort, judging from his posture and suit. Though there seemed to be a look of familiarity on his face when he glanced at Mr. Holmes and Mr. Watson.

Then, his eyes landed on a very disheveled Athena. "Ah! You must be the newest Holmes!" The smile he have her must have meant to be warm, but it was rather creepy to her, and that's what made her choke on her water and for Mr. Holmes to laugh.

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