Chapter 15

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The Game Is On, Part 2

Athena was losing. After she was moderately recovered from her encounter with the electric door, she had her legs and stomach cut by a hit man, got chased through the woods by someone with a bow and arrow, and nearly drowned to death in a tank full of liquid smoke (personally, she thought the last one was the worst).

Honestly, she couldn't hold her own for much longer. Moriarty took her phone after she was pinned to the bed, and she was running out of motivation to keep going.

She just wanted to go home. So when Moriarty unlocked the door to her room, she just stared blankly.

"What's wrong, pet?" he cooed, stroking her hair.

She didn't reply. She initially wanted to spit in his face; however, considering her life was on the line, she'd have to pass this time.

His back stiffened at her insubordination- this child needed to learn if he was going to adopt her as his own.

Yes, that was his plan. She was going through tests at the moment, so he could see her limits. Once he figured those out, he'd know her inside and out- which would make him the perfect parent.

And she'd forget all about that imbecile, Sherlock- which would tear him apart at the seams.

Yes, Moriarty truly was brilliant, if he did say so himself.

"Come now, dear. I have a surprise for you..."

Athena stared at him blankly.

She couldn't quite figure this man out. One moment he's hostile and menacing. The next, he seemed to have a glimmer of compassion behind his hard exterior.

What was his motive? What game was he playing?

She thought she could handle this, but it was all too much.

He sighed and sat at the end of her bed. "The tests are over now, dear. Now it's me and you against the world."

Her heart fell to her stomach. "What?"
It was broken, shaky. Not strong the way she wanted to be.

"That's right- me and you."

She pushed her glasses up her nose and sniffled. She had no words- no single thought could sum up how terrified, how utterly helpless she felt.

"Let's go. I have a surprise downstairs."

He pulled her off the bed and to the door while she numbly stumbled behind him.

Back at 221B....

"I do not care if she's been missing for three weeks! You get your lazy ass up and keep looking!" Sherlock growled into his cell phone.

He was talking to Lestrade (who, despite completely adoring the girl, had other cases that required his attention), sitting in. Front of his laptop as he furiously typed away on John's blog.

He needed the fans to help. He was desperate and just needed his little girl back.

He couldn't lose her again- not again.

"Sherlock, we've done all we can-"

"I swear to god, Greg. My little girl is in the hands of a psychopath. You have to help me get her back."


"No more arguments. If you ever want my help again, I suggest you help me find her."

Lestrade began to stammer a mess of syllables before agreeing to not stop until she was back in his hands.

Sherlock furiously threw his phone into his chair and continued to type.

Athena stared blankly at the gaming system. "Why?"

"It's a present. You're birthday is tomorrow, and I'm going out of town, so I figured I'd give it to you now."

'Kill me.' she thought.

"Thanks," she said blandly. The word tasted sour in her mouth.

"Don't be like that- chin up. If you don't want this, I'll get you anything else. What do you want, pet?"

"To go home. To Sherlock, my actual father."

Moriarty felt something snap inside, but he bit the inside of his cheek until he calmed down. "Look, I can't do that, darling."

"Can I at least go outside, then?"

He wanted to say no, but he knew he had to keep her happy. "Sure, but I have to send one of my men with you."

She grumbled irritatedly but nodded.

He called for a guard and sent them off into London.

Sherlock grabbed his coat and went out into the streets, trying his best not to be hopeful.

Maybe he would check Chinatown today. Or northern London. Either way, he wasn't just going to sit around and wait. He was a detective dammit, and the best at that.

So he began to walk.

And walk and walk and walk.

Until finally he found himself in the middle of the commotion, which had him slightly irritated. How the hell would he find her here?

Maybe he should just go home...

And as he turned to go back to whence he came, he saw her, bloody, bruised.

"ATHENA!" he bellowed, coming toward her.


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