Chapter 2

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Hospitals, Glasses, and Accidental Reunions

Mr. Watson began to clean her wrist and wrap it in something, but Athena wasn't paying attention in the slightest. She was still mesmerized by all the books.

Mr. Holmes cleared his throat and turned to face her. "What did you say your name was again?"

Athena bit her lip. "My apologies, sir. It's Athena."

He shifted his feet uncomfortably and looked to the ground before forcing a false smile onto his face. "Nice to meet you, Athena."

He tried to sound as if he were meeting her for the first time (in hopes that she would actually believe it), but the way her name rolled across his lips said otherwise. Frowning slightly, Athena raised her eyebrow and said, "But the way you speak, sir, implies that we've met before."

Mr. Watson finished his wrapping and watched the two. He thought this was quite odd. Sherlock hardly talked to anybody other than the Yard, himself, and Molly.

"I don't know what you mean," Mr. Holmes snuffed.

Athena's eyes glittered. "Oh, but of course you do! You're lying! I do love it when I can pick out a lie of a great person." Her mind flitted back to every Presidential speech, every celebrity interview, every wrong teacher. It made her basically glow with joy at the very thought of it.

She watched as Sherlock's right hand twitched- it must have been a habit of irritation or discomfort. "And how do you know I'm lying?" he challenged.

She grinned. Rarely did she get the opportunity to show off. "Your shoulders tightened a little bit, your right hand twitched, your eyes went blank for a small moment before looking to the lower left. I could go on, but those appear to be your most obvious signs."

Mr. Holmes took a deep breath. "John, let's get her to the hospital before that wrist gets worse."

Athena saw Mr. Watson shake his head in almost disappointment. "Excuse me, sir, but I said I was fine."

He rolled his eyes. "Of course you're not. Let's go then."

Athena stubbornly placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. "I'm fine. Now, I'm going home before I'm handed a bill I can't pay for."

But as she turned to the door, Sherlock called out, "Athena Noelle, get in the cabbie so we can heal your wrist the right way!"

She froze and turned to face him, wide-eyed. "I never told you my middle name," she gulped.

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Of course you did, now go."

But Mr. Watson decided to step in the conversation at this point. "No, Sherlock, she didn't. What's going on here?"

Athena nodded her head in agreement. "You've been acting very discomforted, you keep lying about knowing me or things about me," she murmured, as if thinking aloud. "General care for my well being. Shared last name- by birth of course. Same mental abilities." Realization dawned on her as she said these things out loud, but she was going to make Sherlock make the big reveal. "So, Mr. Holmes... What has been going on here?"

Sherlock shook his head. "I believe you know, Athena."

She grinned wickedly. "But I do believe your friend here is rather confused."

Mr. Watson nodded his head. "What is going on, Sherlock?"

Athena watched as Mr. Holmes took a large intake of breath and eyed Mr. Watson. "Athena..." He exhaled deeply. "Athena is my child."

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