Hershey's Kisses

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If anyone is still bothered reading this story and I really hope there are T_T I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. I had finals but that is no excuse because I tried writing after them and I procrastinated a lot with this chapter, not going to lie. This was the hardest chapter to write by far as it is the turning point chapter. I had such bad writers block but you'll love me afterwards. I hope <3 

Chapter Nine: Hershey's Kisses.

I sat in the waiting room with Scarlett for Jay's release. We could see him in his cell from here, taking a nap. His clothes crinkled and rumpled with sleep. I felt like joining him in dosing off, I was still exhausted from last and all the crying I had done had left faint, dark, circles under my eyes. My mum was here too. She was currently talking to the lady at the front desk, asking to pay for half of Jay's bail money. I'm not going to lie, she was furious when I told her what happened. Apparently when Alex attended she had no clue that he could potentially get arrested. I knew I would have been grounded and had most of my privileges taken away from me but since this was the first and last time I would ever do something like that, she let it slide.

My thoughts and attention turned away from my mother when I noticed Scarlett sitting up straighter, following her gaze I see a guard leading Jay out, towards us. He looks haggard and it seems his day was about to get worse when a voice behind us speaks.

"Jared Nolan Vargas." I turn my head to see Luke standing there with a very pissed off and scary expression on his face. My mouth drops open a little. What?

"I thought you had put your spending the night in a jail cell days behind you." Both their faces show disappointment but Jay's mainly shows hurt.

"Dad, I can explain-." Jay tries to interject. Holy moly, DAD! My mind was spinning now. This was too surreal for me. I had stood up when Jay had walked into the room but now I had to sit so my legs wouldn't give way from underneath me. Shock was plastered all over my face.

"No, so what? That you can lie to me again? Jay give it a rest." He said tiredly. "And I at least thought you would try to change for Chase's sake." It was only then I notice a smaller version of Jay run up to him and throw his arms around his leg. All fight seem to deflate from Jay after that and his face went blank, into a cool controlled mask. I was so confused about what was happening and what Luke was talking about.

"Mister Vargas, it wasn't Jay's fault, it was mine." Scarlett piped up, walking over and standing next to Jay, squeezing his hand gently and giving him an apologetic look.

"And mine." I say, waving my hand. It was only then Luke seemed to notice we were in the room as well. His face quickly turned from anger and disappointment to surprise. Yeah, buddy, that makes two of us.

"Girls..." He says, still unconvinced, as if we were trying to cover up his actions. Obviously Jay had been here before, this wasn't something new for him by the way Luke was talking to him.

"He took the fall for us." Scarlett blurted out while Jay just face palmed as if the last thing he wanted to do right now was have a family discussion with possibly the girl he liked, a girl he just got acquainted to and his little brother.

Luke crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Jay, as if to tell him to explain. He was saved from telling him the story though as my mother came and joined in on the little intervention in the middle of the police station. Her face was startled upon seeing Luke her before eyes traveled across to Jay and understanding crossed her features. She sighed and tsked at Luke.

"Are you giving him a hard time, Vargas?" It was Jay's turn to be surprised that our parents knew each other. He could join the club, Scarlett just looked very, very confused. My mother shakes her head at Luke, wagging her finger before turning to Jay and shooting him a cheeky smile.

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