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Chapter two: Frosting


By the time Alex got to the store last night, it was one thirty and Asher and I had already closed up. He had profoundly apologised a thousand to me and thanked Asher for being there to help, but I told him it was no big deal. Afterwards Asher and I walked around in the cool, warm air for a bit, just revelling in the hyped up atmosphere also know as New Years Eve.


I always felt guilty whenever Alex had to be pulled away from social events because of his dorky, introverted, little sister.


Getting rid of such negative thoughts on the first day of the New Years. I stare at the light, streaming through the cracks of my blinds and suppress the yawn threatening to escape from my mouth. I stretch my body out like a cat, removing all the kinks that had knotted while I was asleep.


Padding softly around in my room I get ready for the day ahead. Mum needed help in the store again and I was in need for some extra cash for the New Year.


After brushing my teeth and making myself look semi presentable, I fix some knick knacks around my room and make my bed. Sweeping up the wooden shutters so they rested at the top, I notice the view below.


There in the warm, summery, January sun, stands Asher in his front yard, collecting the mail with his dog he’s had since Sophie was born. Part of me still felt like I had hallucinated Asher coming into the store last night and befriending me and another part of me was excited that I had made a new friend.


He looks comical in his blue, superman t-shirt and flannel bottoms, his light, sable brown, bed hair, sticking out in every direction but down. I watch as our neighbours from across the street make conversation with him. Starting to feel like a bit of a perverted creep, I move away from the window and down the stairs.


The house is eerily quiet, mostly because both of my parents are hard at work and my brother is still sleeping off all the alcohol he probably consumed at the party.


Grabbing a pear to go, I make my way out the front door and into the hot, summer, breeze. Yeah, a fifteen minute walk to the store would not be pleasant in this weather.


Asher’s head turns my way as my front door slams shut behind me. I realise he had just finished conversing with our Croatian neighbours. He probably wouldn’t have known who had come out of the house if it wasn’t for his golden retriever, which came barrelling in my direction and jumped up on my legs, nearly knocking me over and eliciting a girly yelp out of me because of it.

Asher lets out a soft chuckle and whistles for the dog to come back to it’s master. He does so but not before licking my hand and wagging his tail at me playfully. Now back at Asher’s side the dog looks up at him dopily, with his tongue lolling out of it’s mouth. He gives his master a look of adoration.


“Cat, what did I tell you about springing up on neighbours?”  The dog lets out a whine and kneels down at Asher’s feet in submission. I raise an eyebrow at the name but can’t help but think the dog is so darn adorable.

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