Sprinkles I

693 29 4

Song on the side Mercy by One Republic. I'll be making a playlist.

Dedicated to Solicitude because I LOVE handcuff hugs asdfhhklf and glad she's back!

Arriving at the store, it was busier than I expected it to be, customers lining up waiting to be served. Asher had insisted on coming with me, telling me to wait for him while he got dressed, causing an extra delay. The scent of cupcakes, welcomes into a nice, sweet, warm embrace. I'd never get tired of that smell.

The stores wooden floors, gleam in the sunlight, adding a homely warmth into our quaint, little shop.

Rushing round the back I slip my apron on and give my mum a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, mum. Whaddaya need help with?" I ask her, looking at the growing line, warily.

"Can you man the register, I've got to go round the back and make some more batches, sweetie. We're almost out of vanilla cupcakes. I think we're going to need to hire more staff." I nod and start serving customers immediately. They seem to be getting a tad bit impatient and irritated.

"I think that's a good idea." I whisper to her, so the customers don't hear. As mum heads to the back, I jot orders and juggling decorating cupcakes, without messing it up. Little by little the line starts to thin out and the customers become less hostile from the wait. It feels like hours when there are barely any customers to serve. My arms feel like they are going to fall off. I never wanted to ice another cupcake again. All I could see were peoples orders in my mind.

While there is a short interval without many customers, I let my eyes stray around the room to spot Asher. He is sitting right at the back booth, hidden away from everyone like he normally is and I'm pretty sure he is trying to learn braille again since his head is bent down and his arm seems to be moving. I couldn't really make it out from this angle.

I'm taken aback when I see my mother walk over to him. She slides into the seat across from him, much like I had last night and starts having a hushed conversation with him. I watch them through narrowed eyes, wondering what they were talking about.

A customer clearing their throat startles me, forcing my gaze away from them. I literally had to work so hard to suppress the groan that was threatening to escape from my mouth. I was exhausted and had only finished one half of my shift.

Pasting one of my most fakest-cheesiest-forced smiles on my face I address the person.

"Hi, may...I..." I think I just drooled a little because standing in front of me with worn out jeans, our schools basketball t-shirt and a warm smile on his face was, Carson Tanner. He was leaning against the counter, casually. Toned and tanned forearms just a few inches away from the cash register. His sea-green eyes sparkling with amusement in the soft light of our store.

Okay...so I may or may not have a teeny, tiny, little, itty bitty, crush on him....And I may or may not have gone to our school basketball game to watch him play even though I despised anything sports related. But can you blame a girl? He was smart, funny and athletic.

I realise I'm just standing there, staring at him with my mouth open. I feel my cheeks warm and colour.

"Um, Hi!" I say again.

"Hi." He says in his deep, baritone voice, giving me an amused grin. I duck my head in embarrassment.

"May I take your order?" I ask, fiddling with my apron, wishing the stupid slogan would just disappear and that I could hide in the back while my mum serves him.

"Yeah, can I have a chocolate cupcake with peanut butter icing and caramel drops." His smile never wavers from his face.

"Definitely. Coming right up." I reach over to take his money and my heart literally spazzes when our hands accidentally brush. In a haste I slot the money in the teller and slam the draw shut. I didn't even realise that part of my apron was stuck in the draw so when I went to go to the decorating station, as I like to call it, I was slammed right back into the teller.

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