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Thank you so much to all the readers who stuck through to this journey till the end. I love and appreciate you all so much! You have no idea. 

I can't believe I've finished my first book omg this is so exciting! 

The story of Ashlia doesn't end there for all those fans out there who are saddened, I know I am too. They are adorable. You can catch glimpses of them in the upcoming book Love Rain and Piercing Hearts. They will be posted soon! 

I was planning two more chapters but the thing was I couldn't picture anything after the chapter I had just written hence why I wrapped up early. There is supposed to be an epilogue but I don't want to post that now and spoil the other two upcoming stories. 

I also want to write cute little one-shots for festive seasons, maybe I'll do one for valentines day for Ashlia! 

If you haven't already done so vote, comment and follow! That way you can be informed about all the upcoming projects! ^_^

Once again thank you guys for being so patient till the end. You guys are literally the most sweetest, encouraging fans ever! 

Aaah I'm going to stop rambling now!  Love you lil Cupcakes, Byeeee xxx 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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