Sprinkles II

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Happy update! <3 

Chapter three: Sprinkles Part 2

 Before I could even have a say on what I was going to do in my free time, Asher had insisted on going on another walk. The guy really liked being physical. No duh, A.J, he was the captain of the football team. I think patronisingly.

The afternoon breeze was much cooler than the morning breeze and as we walked down the boardwalk to the pier. The wind ruffles through our hair and  carries the smell of fried food from the vendors from the carnival they set up each summer holidays.

The silence that hangs between Asher and I isn't awkward, or needy to fill the void, it's just comfortable, much like my friendship with him. I hadn't expected to be this comfortable with him. His popularity status always intimidated me, I guess that's why I tried so hard to avoid his advances to befriend me when we were younger, as well as not wanting his 'fangirls' to throw  hate my way.

As we get closer to the edge of the beach, the amount of people walking starts to rise and you can hear the sound of childrens laughter and squeals of joy as they went on rides or won games.

My hand instantly latches onto Asher's upper arm to help steer him away from the crowd of people. I see the corner his mouth turn down into sadness and maybe even shame as I do so. I realise even if Asher tries to seem happy go lucky most of the time...he's far from it  and he's so good at pretending that it doesn't bother him. And I don't want to feel sorry for him or pity him because what is that going to do, but just make him feel worse about himself and his inability. I'm going to at least try and empathise with him and support him through this rough time. I'll be his rock.

We veer through the throngs of people before Asher starts to slow down considerably, coming to a halt suddenly.

"Do you want to go the the carnival?" He asks me out of the blue. My facials contorts with distaste as I stare at the kids from our school, holding hands, kissing, hanging out with their  friends.

"I'll pass." I tell him, getting ready to move towards the beach again when Asher speaks again.

"Well can I go? I..uh..kinda wanted to pick up some cotton candy for Soph." He says, looking at his feet with a faint tinge of red colouring his cheeks. I grin.

"Of course you can! You don't need my permission, Asher." I tell him, rolling my eyes. "Do...do you....want me to go with you?" I ask, hesitantly. He rubs the back of his neck and shifts from foot to foot, awkwardly.

"I mean...if you want to, you can..." He trails off.  

"Okay, sure, I'll come." I shrug. His mood lightens a touch and I notice the nervousness that had been on his face, dissipate.

"Um, but can you guide me...I kinda don't want to hit anyone on the leg with my stick." He sighs, his whole body sags and his shoulders hunch. It was as if he was trying to make himself disappear.

"Do you even need to ask?" I tease, trying to bring that dimpled smile back. Grabbing his upper arm again, gently, Asher folds his stick in half and then halves that half until it was small enough to fit in his pocket.

"I'm getting a guide dog soon, hopefully that'll make things a tad bit easier."

"Well in the meantime, I'll be your bitch." I scoff, grinning, nudging him with my elbow playfully and I swear I saw a flicker of a grin for a few seconds before it disappeared.

Leading him to the cotton candy stall, I ask the lady for one cotton candy before Asher cut in.

"Make that two." He speaks, pulling out a five dollar note and placing it on the counter. I watch with fascination as she swirls the stick into a spinning contraption. When I was younger I honestly believed that cotton candy was made from flavoured clouds.

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