Icing Sugar II

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The cemetery was where he took me next. I didn't know if this was some kind of practical joke, but I didn't find it funny, especially since night had fallen over the city and made the place more haunting. I tried not give Jay or Asher any strange looks, but that was proving to be harder than I thought. Even Jay was having a hard time keeping a straight face. Clearly he wasn't in on the loop about what we were doing here. I trusted Asher though.

He grabbed a bouquet of flowers from the seat next to Jay's, before softly speaking some quick words to him. I couldn't make out what had been said but Jay gave a quick nod in response before Asher was dragging me out of the car.

As much as I wanted to question Asher about the final destination, I kept my mouth shut his sombre attitude made me not want to break the silence. Maybe he was about to show me someone important to him. The leaves crunched underneath our feet as we weaved our way past headstone. His face showed sheer concentration and his mouth moved silently, counting. Our intertwined fingers were not enough comfort for me and I leant closer to him, so we were side by side.

I was so consumed by fear of the dark that I hadn't even realised we had come to a standstill until Asher's fingers were brushing over the headstone to make sure it was the right one, that's when my eyes fell upon the name and my breath caught in my throat. Henry Bradshaw. Henry Bradshaw. Henry Bradshaw. My mind kept repeating, the name ringing through my ears.

I hadn't even realised my eyes had filled with tears until one slid down my cheek. A sob choked in my throat. I hadn't visited my father since the day he was buried. It hurt too much to bear. My legs crumpled beside him, unwillingly.

"I'm so sorry, daddy," I whispered. "So sorry." My voice strangled as I ran my fingers over the cold stone. Asher's arms came around me instantly. I had almost forgotten he was there. His warmth and solidness, comforting as he pulled my back to his chest. He kept kissing the back of my head while I cried for my father silently, telling him how sorry I was for not visiting, for being a coward. I was grateful for Asher's presence and for him letting me have my moment. The grief was written all over my face, though he couldn't see it I knew he could feel it.

It felt like hours when I finally quietened down but it was probably mere minutes. I uttered one word to him.

"Why?" The word seemed too loud for the stillness of the night. Asher let out a breath of air before running his hands up and down my arms in a comforting gesture.

"Because you needed it." He simply explained.

"How did you know?" I ask, breathlessly.

"Alex and I don't just talk about sports you know?" This was surprising news to me and my heart warmed a little at the thought of Asher asking Alex about me.

"I also came here to ask your dad for permission. I knew how important he was to you, A.J." His voice sombre and filled with understanding, making me want to cry again. How could someone be so sweet and thoughtful? How had I not want to be friends with him once upon a time?

He starts talking to his gravestone in a hushed tone, telling my dad about our summer, how amazing he thought I was and how he loved Alex and my mum, promising him to watch over us for as long as I let him. I swear in that moment I fell in love with Asher a little bit more. I love him, my heart stuttered in realisation. He suddenly stopped talking and had a funny look on his face.

"I love you too, A.J." My mouth hung open. Oh shit, I had said that out loud. My plans on saying those three words to him didn't include a late night, graveyard visit. Now I was embarrassed, but kissed him on the cheek nonetheless, leaning into his side, wrapping both my hands around his arm.

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