Whipped Cream III

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I was going to bail and not go when we reached home but of course they had a feeling I would be doing exactly that. Alex probably told them something, so that's how I ended up with half the football team at my house, talking to my mother and eating her baking. She was telling them how to get softer hands after one of them accidentally brushed their hands against hers and she gasped. That wasn't even the weirdest part, they were all sitting there, listening to her with such intent, it was kind of cute but still super strange.

I called a stop to his oddness when she started talking about facials and how to keep your skin moisturised with avocado, using one of the freshman, I think his name was Nate, as an example, slathering the concoction onto his face. He was beet red but he looked as if he was enjoying the feel of the mask. If someone would have told me that on a Friday night, I would have a bunch of football players, in my house, chatting with my mother and getting facials done instead of going to a party, I would have said they were lying.

"Hello?" I tried not to sigh irritably, they forced me to get dressed a half hour ago, urging me to hurry and now they were just chit chatting? "Are we gonna go to this party or not?" I got a round of 'hold on A.J' and 'In a minute'

Throwing my hands in the air in defeat, I start making my way upstairs, planning to take of these stupid clothes and make-up off and get in my P.J's, when Shane stopped me, turning me back around, forcing me to go down the stairs. It's always Shane, I think to myself. He uses his fingers to do that cool whistle thing and get the boys attention.

"Let's file out lads. A.J's got someone to meet." He says, coyly. I punch him in the arm, not enough to hurt but enough for him to get the message. A round of hoots and whistles go around the house before the boys actually listen and reluctantly leave my mother. She seems disappointed as well.

"Come back tomorrow." She yells, with a sweet smile on her face as Shane ushers the boys out. My mother turns her attention to me next. "Be careful, don't do anything reckless and make good decision." Her hands go back to smooth my hair.

"I'll be fine, Mum. I think you should be giving Alex this talk." I tease, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Her face turns concerned and she bites the inside of her cheek, nervously. I narrow my eyes. What isn't she telling me.

"Your brother isn't feeling well. He won't be going tonight." My eyebrows shoot up. Now I was worried too. He hasn't been himself for the last few days. I was about to cancel and not follow the boys but my mother put a hand up to stop me.

"You go out and have some fun. I'll be here, watching over Alex." A part of me still wants to stay and cheer up my brother but the part that wants to see Asher and make up wins and I concede.

"Alright, I won't stay out too late." I assure. I didn't want her to have to worry about both of us at the same time. Grabbing a cupcake for myself, I get crammed in the middle seat of Ramirez's car. His car was practically quaking from his booming music. I was just content to listen to the others chatter, occasionally asking questions here and there. I admit I was very much so out of my comfort zone but it felt good. I still haven't had the courage to ask them how things went with Asher since I didn't want it to influence me and make me more nervous than I already was.

The drive to the beach was short but I was already restless and wanting to get out. This party was more legal than the ones in the woods which helped ease the tension a little bit but I still felt as if I had drunk ten straight cans of redbull or some other highly caffeinated drink because I had that much energy. I was practically speed walking in the sand, my eyes bouncing from person to person, trying to find that one particular face.

Asher was surrounded by a flock of pretty girls who were all vying for his attention. I stiffen considerably and observe for a couple of seconds. His demeanour seemed awkward, shifting from foot to foot and running his hand through his hair. He looked absolutely adorable in a beige knit sweater with his collared shirt sticking out from the top.

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