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"I seriously can't believe how big the girls are getting," Ally said as she and Lauren each grabbed a cup of hot chocolate off the counter. "I know I say that every time I see them but I always mean it. It was like forever ago that they were babies, I can barely remember them."

"Yeah I know exactly what you mean," Lauren replied, except in her case, she didn't remember her babies at all. "How about we sit in the living room, so we can keep an eye on them."

"Oh, you're such a mom sometimes, the girls will be fine," Ally said as they walked out of the kitchen and through the foyer, straight into the living room.

"I meant Camz and Dinah.," Lauren chuckled as they took a seat on the couch. "Remember the last time they played in the snow?" Lauren asked, hoping that there hadn't been any times in between.

"Yeah, yeah," Ally laughed. "It was what... The Reflection Tour, in Boston? Oh poor Dinah."

"Yes!" Lauren exclaimed, happy that Ally remembered and she wouldn't have to make up some other story. "I can't believe that they were trying to make snow ball launchers out of Dinah's hats; Dinah was just devastated."

Ally laughed before taking a sip of the steaming hot liquid. "Only our girls."

"Yeah, but they weren't our girls yet," Lauren smiled; she took a sip as well taking a marshmallow too. "Well Mani had been your girl before but at the time she was a free agent if I remember correctly."

"That is true but come on, Mila has always been your girl," Ally replied.

"Yeah right," Lauren smiled fondly, Ally always knew of the crush Lauren had on Camila, since the day they were formed. There wasn't one detail that the two didn't know about each other.

"Oh look at them," Ally giggled as she looked out the window to see Anahí darting snow balls at Normani's and Dinah's faces and Emmi and Camila laying in the snow making snow angels, Camila towering over little Emmi's figure.

Lauren smiled, they were all so adorable together. She loved seeing Camila play with the girls; it truly made her heart flutter. Camila was an amazing mother and took such great care of their family. "Anahí sure is throwing those snow balls pretty hard," Lauren remarked "Mani's really taking some big hits. Dinah's using her as a shield."

"Eh, oh well," Ally chuckled as she smiled at her girlfriend dodging balls from a little five year old. "You know Mani's pretty thick headed."

"Ally," Lauren called after a few quiet moments.

"What?" Ally blinked her eyes as she turned back to her friend.

"I asked, if you were hungry?" Lauren replied, furrowing her eyebrows. "You ok?"

"Yeah, sorry, I guess I just zoned out for a little bit," Ally replied. "Sorry Lo."

"No worries," Lauren replied she placed her mug down on a coaster. "You looked pretty serious, want to talk about it?"

Ally placed her mug down next to Lauren's before she let out a long sigh. "I want this," she smiled, knowing that she could tell Lauren anything and everything. "I want the happy marriage, the big house filled with laughter, the kids playing in the snow. I want it all," she sniffled, trying not to cry, she had no idea why she was suddenly filled with such strong emotions. Lauren's hormones must have been rubbing off on her.

"And you want it with Normani?" Lauren asked as she took Ally's hands in her own.

"So help me god, but I do," Ally replied, letting out a slight chuckle. "I love her so much and I think that she'd be a great wife and mother..."

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