epilogue four

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The next day the Cabello family made the long trek to Aspen Colorado. Camila drove Lauren's Lexus SUV since it was more spacious with the three rows of seats. The trip took a little over eight hours with lots of bathroom stops for both a pregnant Lauren and a newly potty-trained Anahí. Lauren alternated between the passenger seat keeping Camila company and watching Anahí's favorite movies in the back with her (which also consisted of a little shut eye for both of them).

"Oh its beautiful," Lauren gushed as Camila pulled up to the large Aspen cabin they were renting. "And big too, I can't wait to get inside."

"Big house," Anahí squealed from her car seat. "Ooo ahhh."

Camila laughed at her girls, "Well here we go," Camila parked the car.

After grabbing the bags, Camila led her girls inside. Anahí was holding Lauren's hand as they entered the front door of their new 'home.' Lauren immediately fell in love with its rustic charm. She took a quick bathroom break before going on a very detailed tour of the place.

"Shouldn't Ally, Dinah and Normani be here already?" Lauren questioned as they all walked up the stairs.

"Dinah's flight was delayed, maybe Mani and Ally's flight was delayed too. We should have picked them up from the airport, I feel bad that they were taking a cab."

"Lets call them," Lauren replied, "After the tour of course. I want to pick our bedrooms first."

"Well we're getting the master hands down; it doesn't make sense for any of them to have it when they're by themselves."

"Agreed," Lauren replied.

"I want a pretty room Mama," Anahí smiled as she climbed up the stairs.

"Maybe you'll like this one," Camila suggested as she swung open the door.

"Oh right there Mani," Ally moaned.

"Look Auntie Mani and Auntie Ally are having a big sleepover!" Anahí exclaimed. "Fun, fun! Me too! Me too!"

Camila caught Anahí before she had the chance to join in on the 'fun', "Sorry," Camila tried to avert her eyes.

"Oh my god!" Ally screamed in horror.

"I...I...," Lauren was speechless as Camila dragged he wife and daughter out of the very occupied bedroom.


Needless to say the next time that Camila and Lauren saw Ally and Normani it was very awkward. Although the image of Normani and Ally in bed had permanently scarred Lauren, she was thrilled that the two were now a couple. Camila was shocked but none the less happy for the two. And Anahí was still upset that she couldn't have one big sleepover. When Dinah arrived and heard of the incident, she cackled like there was no tomorrow, wishing she had been there to see the look on their faces and congratulating the two on finally "hitting that".

The trip started out a little bumpy but everyone ended up having a good time. Dinah, Camila and Normani hit the slopes every chance they got while Lauren and Ally spent a significant amount of time at the spa. Anahí even tried her hand at skiing a little bit but decided that it was a lot more fun to drink hot cocoa at the ice skating rink. The group even enjoyed a real sleigh ride to a fancy restaurant.

"More," Anahí smiled at Ally as she added more marshmallows to her hot cocoa.

"Kiddo I think that's enough."

"One more pwetty pwease Auntie Ally," Anahí gave her, her already perfected puppy dog face and Ally was a goner.

"That's it," Ally added not one but five more marshmallows.

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