epilogue five

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Lauren woke up quite startled with drops of sweat rolling down her face. She looked around, happy to know that she was still in her bedroom but her dream had really frightened her.

"Lo?" Camila rubbed her back, she'd just come up to bed after watching a Friends marathon downstairs. "You had the dream again, didn't you?"

Lauren nodded, trying her hardest not to cry. "It's getting worse this time. We had to bury you at the end right before I woke up."

"Honey I'm sorry," Camila wrapped her arms around her wife.

"Camz it feels so real," Lauren just couldn't help it as the tears finally began to roll down her cheeks. "I'm so afraid that I'm going to lose you."

"Lo, I'm not going anywhere," Camila kissed away her tears. "I'm right here and I'm fine."

"You don't know that Camila," Lauren sniffled.

"Lo I feel just fine, I'm not sick or anything."

"But these things sneak up on you...," Lauren trailed off. "I just...Camz, I'm so worried."

"Do you want me to go to the doctor?"

"Would you?" Lauren asked hopefully.

"If it would ease your mind then yes."

"Thank you," Lauren snuggled into Camila. "I would really feel a lot better knowing that you're perfectly healthy."

"Good," Camila kissed her cheek. "Think you can get some sleep?"

"I'll try," sleeping in Camila's arms always did wonders for Lauren.


The next morning, Camila made an appointment with her doctor for later that afternoon. Since she was Camila Cabello, pop star, she didn't have any problems making such a last minute appointment. She wanted to get it out of the way as soon as possible for Lauren's sake. Plus their families and friends would be coming in the next week or so to celebrate Christmas and she didn't want her 'health' hanging over their heads. Lauren, of course, decided to accompany her so she would have proof that her wife was alright. The past few weeks had been grueling on Lauren, every night she had that same nightmare that Camila died. It had been years since Lauren had even paid that old dream any thought but then suddenly it appeared one night and it was back with a vengeance. Instead of all of the great family moments, it only started with the loud beeping machines signaling the stop of Camila's heart.

"Hi Mama," Camila greeted her mother and welcomed her into her home.

"Hi mija," Sinu kissed her daughters cheek and she took her coat into the closet. "Where are the girls?"

"Anahí is coloring in the family room and Lauren is putting Emmi down for her afternoon nap. Thanks for coming over so last minute."

"Not a problem sweetheart, you know how much I love my granddaughters."

"Hi Sinu," Lauren smiled at her mother-in-law as she descended the stairs.

"Hi Lauren, how are you feeling?" Sinu asked her very pregnant daughter in-law.

"Hanging in there," Lauren laughed as she finally joined the two in the foyer.

"One more month to go," Camila grinned. "Which is why we've got some shopping to do," Camila lied to her mother, not wanting her to know where they were actually going. Her mother would probably worry just as much as Lauren.

"Yeah I don't think this little guy," Lauren patted her belly, "would appreciate his sister's hand me downs."

"Not at all," Sinu chuckled. "Well you two go ahead; I've got everything under control."

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