epilogue two

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"I can't believe that we have a baby," Camila remarked as she and Lauren stared at the tiny little baby currently swaddled and sleeping in the bassinet that stood before them. They had only been home from the hospital for a little bit but their eyes had not left the new life in the house.

"I still can't believe that we have a baby girl," Lauren sighed dramatically. "We don't have anything for her. What are we going to do?"

"It won't kill her to sleep in a blue room for a while," Camila teased as she pulled Lauren into her lap, finally sitting down on the couch.

"Camz get serious!"

"I am! And I am quite serious that we need to find a new obstetrician when we go for baby number two."

"Well it wasn't her fault; it was the ultrasound technician who made the mistake."

"Three times Laur!" Camila insisted, wrapping her arms tightly around Lauren's waist. "You had three ultrasounds during your pregnancy. You'd think they would know the difference between a peni..."

"Don't say stuff like that in front of her!" Lauren interrupted her with a frown. "Besides we have bigger things to discuss other than his mistakes. We really need to give our daughter a name."

Camila nodded, smiling at "our daughter", "Cameron is certainly not a match for my new little butterfly."

"Butterfly?" Lauren questioned, looking down at her wife from where she was sitting on Camila's lap.

"I thought I'd call her butterfly as a little nickname." Camila shrugged, looking at the green eyed girl. "What, you don't like it?"

"No it's adorable and quite fitting. You keep swaddling her in that purple butterfly blanket anyway, good fit." Lauren smiled, wrapping her arms around her neck, "That reminds me that we really need to thank your mom properly for getting that blanket and all those outfits so we could bring her home from the hospital. We're going to have to return like 99% of that baby boy stuff."

"One thing at a time baby, lets focus on the name first. I'll take care of all that other stuff later in the week." Camila spoke softly, rubbing her lower back gently. 

"Right...name! Focus Lauren. My head is just all over the place," Lauren apologized.

"You just had a baby; I give you full permission to be a little crazy right now." Camila chuckled, kissing the crook of her neck.

"Gee thanks," Lauren rolled her eyes as Camila loosened her grip on her waist and began to stand up. "And where are you going?"

"To get that baby name book, we definitely need it now. It's in the office isn't it?"

"Actually I think it's in the nursery."

"Be right back then."

Lauren watched Camila go and as soon as she left the baby began to fuss. Lauren moved fast, well as fast as she could for someone who had just given birth two days ago. It still felt like someone had ripped out her guts and stabbed in her the back...and let's not even talk about the pain she was experiencing below the waist.

"Shh honey, Mommy's here," Lauren practically cooed her soothing words as she picked up the now pink, screaming newborn. "Are you hungry?" Lauren questioned as she carried her tiny girl back to the couch. "It has been a few hours since you last ate, huh." Lauren unbuttoned her blouse and undid her nursing bra before lifting the baby to her chest. Much better, the baby was quite happy now. Lauren on the other hand was still trying to get the hang of this nursing thing. It was still rather painful but she was determined to stick with it.

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