epilogue one

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"Thanks for helping me decorate my tree babe," Camila kissed Lauren on the cheek as she stepped into Camila's very palatial penthouse.

"No problem, you need all the help you can get," Lauren giggled as she began to take off her coat. "Lets face it baby, you have no sense of style."

"I'm going to let that one slide," Camila replied as she grabbed her coat and placed it in the entryway closet.

"Let's get started! If it doesn't take too long, I thought we could grab some dinner afterwards."

"Um are you sure?" Camila questioned nervously as they walked towards the open living room.

"What's wrong? You seem nervous," Lauren turned to Camila trying to read her somewhat closed off face.

"You caught me," Camila forced a smile for Lauren's benefit. "I bought some new ornaments."

Lauren rolled her eyes, "Camz I thought we decided that we were only going to put up the ornaments I picked out."

"Just look at these alright, they're pretty nice," Camila replied. "They remind me of my childhood, humor me ok?"

"Alright, alright," Lauren grabbed Camila's hand and led her to the couch. She plopped down on the couch, pulling Camila down too. "I'm impressed babe," Lauren looked around the room, surprised to see all of the boxes already neatly set up by the tall Christmas tree.

"I didn't want to hear your mouth," Camila smirked.

"Hey!" Lauren complained playfully punching Camila in the shoulder.

"So we would have more time decorating... because you know how much I love your mouth," Camila leaned over ready to kiss her girlfriend of a little over one year.

"Oh please," Lauren moved away although Camila's lips were always tempting. "How about you make me some hot cocoa instead? And I'll put on some festive music to get us in the decorating mood."


"Whipped cream too!"

"Both?" Camila questioned as she stood up.

"I live dangerously," Lauren giggled as she walked to Camila's iHome system in the corner of the living room.

"I guess so," Camila laughed as she headed into the kitchen. "Man I got me a wild woman!"

Lauren smiled as she walked out of the room, then she focused her attention to Camila's many playlists. Finally she settled on the Home for the Holidays playlist which she actually put together for her right after Thanksgiving. Her tastes were just so much more refined though she did find her Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas c.d. adorable. "Perfect," she purred as she pressed play and the sounds of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra filled the room. "Hey baby I'm going to get started! Where are those new ornaments?"

Camila felt her heart drop at Lauren's words, "They're in that red bag closest to the tree." At that moment, Camila knew that the hot chocolate was to be forgotten, bigger things were on the horizon.

"Thanks babe!" Lauren called back as she settled down in front of the massively tall fir tree. She grabbed the bag and took out each small box one by one. Lauren began to open a few of the boxes; she smiled as she came upon a little chubby Santa Claus. The ornaments were nice but she wasn't sure that they would fit her or rather Camila's sophisticated tree. Lauren opened the last box certain that she would find another snowman so imagine her shock when there was no ornament in sight. In its place was a small black velvet box, the perfect size to house a ring.

"Aren't you going to open it?" Camila appeared in front of a stunned Lauren, she had been watching her from the kitchen doorway waiting until she opened this one.

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