epilogue six

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I really hope you enjoyed this story because I did. This is the last part of the epilogue.


Lauren excused herself from talking to her neighbor Annette and her husband Michael, she was becoming increasingly hotter and she had been experiencing some back pain for most of the day. She needed to get out of the room before she passed out, that would certainly put a damper on the party. She walked out of the room and narrowly escaped running into a caterer carrying glasses of eggnog.

"Sorry Mrs. Cabello," the man apologized even though it had been Lauren's fault.

"No, I'm sorry, totally my fault," Lauren replied.

"Would you like some eggnog Mrs. Cabello?" the young man asked.

"No but thank you," Lauren smiled as the man nodded and headed inside the formal living room. She quickly opened the front door and headed out side. "Hi you," she said, pleasantly surprised to see Normani staring off into the stars.

"Hey Lo," Normani turned around from where she had been leaning on the railing. "What are you doing out here? You're going to freeze to death." Normani was just about to offer her her coat when she stopped her.

"No you keep it, I came out here because I'm boiling inside," Lauren explained. "What about you?"

Normani shrugged, "I just needed a little fresh air....just wanted to do some thinking," she smiled.

"Well if I'm interrupting you," Lauren began, ready to leave and give her friend a little space.

"No, no not at all. You know I always love the company of a beautiful woman," Normani smirked.

"You better watch yourself, Ally has great hearing," Lauren laughed.

"Yeah," Normani chuckled. "That's my girl."

"Yeah," Lauren smiled as she looked at Normani's own brightly smiling face. "You really love her don't you?"

Normani smiled even bigger; just the thought of Ally made her smile like a little kid on Christmas morning. "I really do."

"She loves you too," Lauren smiled, trying to keep her hormones in check. "And I love the both of you; I hope that you will be very happy together."

"Thanks Lo, that means a lot coming from you," Normani responded. "I see you and Mila and the girls and it just blows my mind to see how happy you are as a family. I just wonder if Ally and I will have that."

"Without a doubt, Mani," Lauren smiled. "You better pop the question soon; we could use another baby around here soon."

Normani giggled, "Camila already told me that you know that I'm asking her on Christmas."

Lauren giggled, "That Camz sure can't keep a secret."

Normani laughed, "So true, as long as you didn't tell Ally or Dinah it's all good. You know she can't keep her mouth shut."

"Unlike my wife my lips are sealed," Lauren grinned as she leaned against the railing, letting out a content sigh as she was deep in thought. She turned to look at Normani, "Did you ever think that this is how your life was going to turn out?"

"Honestly," Normani shook her head 'no.' "No, I didn't. But I've never been happier. I'm about to propose to Ally," she breathed. "I still thought that I'd be some wild bachelorette but this is the life I want, the one with Ally, and I've never wanted anything more. What about you?"

Lauren smiled as she thought back on the last several years. "Well not at first, but the moment that Camz and I started dating, I knew that she was my happily ever after. I've never been happier, too, in my entire life. I can't even put it all into words but having a family of your own is just...it's so remarkable and there's just so much love to go around. It's indescribable, Mani, it really is."

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