Chapter 3 ↣ Why else do people run?

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"Like a fool I went and stayed too long."

— Stevie Wonder, Signed, Sealed, Delivered

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I STARED IN disbelief as I tried to process his statement. When I found my voice, I asked, "What?"

"I've known Daryl for a decent chunk of time, and he is not a people person."

"I hadn't noticed," I said.

Dale chuckled. "I've been around a while. I can sniff out chemistry like a dog can sniff out a bomb. You two might not know it yet, but I certainly do."

I enjoyed chemistry. The knowledge everything around us wasn't as it seemed was fascinating. Everything we think we see is actually a combination of atoms we can't see. I frequently pondered the fact if three little atoms could make up an item as vital as water, what could a person of seven billion billion billion (yes, I mean seven followed by twenty-seven zeros) atoms do? 

Dale wasn't talking about the makings of our universe, though. He was talking about the intricacies of human emotion, and I avoided that kind of chemistry like hydrogen should avoid oxygen. "Uh-huh, sure, and it was love at first sight," I said, sarcasm dripping from my words.

Dale opened his mouth to argue with me, but he never got the chance as Carol told us dinner was ready. I scurried down the ladder, crushing the possibility of Dale talking to me further about what he thought he knew. 

As my feet hit the ground, I heard, "Kathryn, will you sit by me? Please, please." I looked down to see Carl.

"Of course," I replied, unable to say no. He beamed and grabbed my hand, dragging me over to where the rest of the group was sitting around a small fire.

As I sat down, Carol passed me a plate. I felt weird eating these people's food, though I suppose I did help provide a portion of it. I was pretty sure it took all of five seconds before people starting asking me questions.

"So, Kathryn, what did you do before this?" Dale asked.

"I was working as a bartender and a waitress."

"Two jobs?" Lori asked, a shocked expression crossing her features.

"I was paying my way through college."

"What were you studying?" Lori pressed.

I shifted in my seat. "I, uh, majored in History and minored in French Literature."

"Does that mean you can speak French?" Lori said, flicking her brown hair over her shoulder. I nodded.

"Can you say something?" Carl asked wide-eyed.

Biting my lip, I then said, "Ce groupe est très curieux." This group is very curious.

"How old are you?" Carl then asked. Lori started to tisk him, but I didn't mind, considering it was pulling away from my more personal life.

I replied, "I'm thirty-two."

"No, there's no way," Lori said with a shake of her head. "You can't be a day over twenty-five." I shrugged off her comment because there was no way the dark bags under my eyes and worry lines made me appear younger than I was.

"Kathryn, how'd you learn to shoot so well?"

I looked over at Shane. "My father taught me."

"Must've been shooting for a while now, huh?"

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