Chapter 41 ↣ Some reunion, huh?

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"Every parting gives a foretaste of death, every reunion a hint of the resurrection."

— Arthur Schopenhauer

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THE SOUND OF gunshots had me flying down the pavement. As my eyes scanned the treeline, I almost stopped dead in my tracks as I saw the governor standing at the edge of the forest. Something else was far more important, though. Rick was quickly becoming surrounded, and I'd be damned if I let him become walker chow.

Gunshots erupted at my feet. I removed the gun I had grabbed on my way and twisted over my shoulder. I squeezed the trigger, causing the man in the watchtower to go down. Ripping the gate open, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, evading walkers as I went.

I caught Michonne's eye. "Cover me!" I yelled. She quickly jumped into action and turned into my shadow, easily taking out anything that got too close. I made sure to remember she had my back if I needed her.

Once I was through the broken gates, I removed my bow from my back. Taking out a bolt, I quickly stabbed a nearby walker with its tip before loading it. I took a breath before firing. The walker on Rick's left went down, but the second walker had as well. Last time I remember, I was good...not that good.

I glanced to the treeline once more, and this time, I did stop in my tracks. There he was. Alive and well, fighting alongside his brother. My body snapped back into action as the warmth of anger flooded my veins. Rushing to Rick's side, I grabbed his hand and lifted him to his feet. He kept his hand clasped within my own.

"You good?" he asked, and I knew he was talking about more than fighting my way out here.

"We need to move." As if on cue, I heard the growl of walker behind me. My knife was in my hand in a second, and I spun on my heel, stabbing the blade into the underside of its chin. In that same moment, a bolt appeared in its skull as well. How fucking sweet.

Considering our combined skill level, the rest of the walkers in the nearby area were taken care of efficiently. I kept my eyes trained on the ground when we were done. I wouldn't give him any recognition, despite the fact I could feel his gaze burning into the side of my head.

"You're looking good, Blondie. Healed up nice, I see." I let my gaze flit up to Merle.

"Wish I could say the same to you. Did I break it?" I asked, refferring to his nose. The steadiness of my voice surprised even me. He chuckled. I couldn't stand there any longer, so I quickly began to make my way back to the courtyard. I vaguely registered the footsteps behind me, but I was too focused on not looking back.

Michonne was suddenly by my side. I told her, "Thanks for having my back. I'll make sure to return the favor." Our conversation was interrupted as two walkers turned to face us. We went back to back and each took out one.

She almost smirked. "I have no doubt."

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Everyone was well except for Axle whom we had unfortunately lost. As I descended the stairs to the common area, I noticed my side gave me more grief than usual. Glancing down, I saw a faint red spot seeping through my shirt. Well isn't it my lucky day.

Just as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I ducked further into the cell block. Hershel was easy enough to find. "Hey..." I said as I approached him. Wringing my hands, I asked, "Would you...fix a stitch?"

"Kathryn," Hershel said disapprovingly.

I hung my head ever so slightly. "C'mon did you really think I'd make it without breaking at least one."

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