Chapter 45 ↣ Why are you with them?

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"Do you know what the definition of insane is? Yes. It's the inability to relate to another human being. It's the inability to love."

― Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road

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I PULLED DARYL along behind me as we entered the prison. He had a vice like grip on my hand. Before we got to the door, he stopped dead in his tracks, yanking me back towards him. "Can't," was all he said.

"Hey," I said, walking up to him. "It's just them."

He shook his head and dropped my hand. "I'll come back later. Gotta...bury 'im."

I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment. "You don't have to do that alone. I'll do the talking," I pleaded.

He shook his head yet again and left me. I watched him go, knowing I wouldn't be able to bring him back. Not yet. I turned and walked into the common area. The whole group was there waiting. Rick was first to his feet, first by my side.

"Merle." His name felt heavy on my tongue. I dropped my head. The group froze, not a sound escaped them.

Rick took a step back as if my words had physically hit him. He whispered, "Where's Daryl?"

"Said he'd come back later." I looked away from Rick and faced the rest of the group. They all looked up at me as I descended the stairs. "He was a lot of things, but ultimately he gave us a chance. A chance we are not going to squander." I looked around the group, made eye contact with each and every member. "We fight for this place. We fight for each other. But most importantly, we fight because that son of a bitch will spill no more of our family's blood in the name of his ego."

Glenn stood up. "For Merle." And the group echoed him.

"I'm guessing that means you have a plan?" Rick asked, stepping by my side.

I smirked and turned to look at Michonne. "What was it you said? That we don't have to win—"

"We just have to make getting at us more trouble than it's worth," she finished.

"That's my plan."

Rick smirked along with me.

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The bed was too big without Daryl beside me, not to mention freezing. The blankets were wrapped around me tight as can be, yet I still shivered. As the bed shifted, I shot up. Daryl sat at the far end.

I slowly made my way next to him until I could lean against his side. He stiffened but relaxed a moment later. "Come to bed," I whispered. Exhaustion was pulling at him, and I could see him fighting it. He didn't meet my eyes as he nodded. I guided him, pulled at his weary body. He wasn't going to fight me on this. I made sure he had the covers over him before I wrapped an arm around his middle.

He soon shifted underneath me and turned around so we were face to face. He never quite met my gaze as he dropped his head so our foreheads were touching. One sigh left him before he gave into sleep and let himself drop that wall. I stayed awake in careful watch until I was certain he would stay asleep, all the while hoping that his subconscious wouldn't play tricks on him.

It was only then that I gave into the exhaustion creeping into my own bones. Tomorrow was a big day, and I needed to be at the top of my game. There were promises to make good on.

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When I woke up the next morning, Daryl was nowhere to be found. Slipping on my boots, I soon made my way outside. No one was up yet.

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