Chapter 14 ↣ Do you really know her best?

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"I wonder if this is how people always get close: They heal each other's wounds; they repair the broken skin."

— Lauren Oliver, Pandemonium

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IT'S A POPULAR belief belief that when something goes wrong, time moves slowly. Well, I've come to discover that this expression is a bunch of crap. It all happened so quickly. One second Carl and Kathryn are up right, the next they are both on the ground. I barely registered what the heavy set hunter said as he jogged into the clearing, something about how someone could help them. He had then pointed off to his right. I took Carl in my arms. A quick glance behind me confirmed that Shane had Kathryn covered. We both took off in the direction that the man had pointed. 

I could feel myself breathing deeply as I pushed myself to go faster than I ever had in my entire life. It was the only thing I felt. I didn't feel my legs or arms grow heavy. Nope, none of that. All I knew is that I had to get wherever the man had pointed.

I barely heard Shane behind me talking to the man. "Hey, you move, shithead. Come on, get us there!"

It was then I thought of a question. I turned back towards them. "How far?" I demanded. 

"Another half mile. That way," the man panted, pointing out in front of him. "Hershel. Talk to Hershel. He'll help your boy and the girl."

Shane, with Kathryn in his arms, and me, with Carl, took off towards where he had gestured. We left the man far behind, and I couldn't care less what happened to him. 

A smidge bit of hope lit in my heart as a big white farmhouse came into view. I glanced behind me to see Shane was right there. I pushed my legs to go faster and my arms to keep their grip as I sprinted the rest of the way.

As I approached the house, an older man appeared. "Were they bit?" he asked.

"Shot," I replied. "By your man." 

"Otis?" a woman asked. 

I paid her no attention. "He said find Hershel. Is that you? Help me. Help my boy and my friend." For a moment, I wondered if I was making any sense.

"Get them inside," Hershel said, turning to walk up the steps. He then started barking orders. "Patricia, I need my full kit. Maggie, painkillers, coagulates—grab everything. Clean towels, sheets, alcohol." Hershel shoved a comforter off of a bed. "Set them down here."

Shane set Kathryn on one side of the bed, and I set Carl on the other.

"Is he alive?" I desperately asked.

Hershel didn't answer my question. He simply said, "Pillowcase. Both of you."

Shane and I each shook a pillow out of a pillowcase. I once again asked, "Is he alive?"

He once again didn't answer. "Fold it. Make a pad." We did as he said. "Put pressure on the wounds." Shane placed his on Kathryn's upper stomach. Mine went almost in the middle of Carl's.

Hershel pressed a stethoscope to Carl's chest. After a few painful seconds, he said, "I've got a heartbeat." He then went to the other side of the bed and did the same thing with Kathryn. "She's got one too."

A wave of relief washed over me. They were alive.

"Maggie, two IVs."

A girl with short brown hair pushed me back. "We need some space."

Hershel asked me, "Your name?"

"R-Rick," I stumbled.

"And yours?"


"Rick, Shane, we're gonna do everything we can, okay? He's in worse shape than the girl, so we're gonna work on him first, but you need to give us some room."

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