Chapter 29 (Final Chapter)

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Eris's POV

But eventually , we did go downstairs. We told Blake's parents and Anna about what I had said and I'm just going to use the word ecstatic because there is really no other way to describe how they took the news.

(A few weeks later)

As of right now, I am in the middle of getting ready for the 'I'm a human but I'm being accepted into the pack' party that Blake felt like throwing.

Anna and Ryder were currently doing my hair and makeup so that I didn't look like a complete disaster when I went out there.
My timer on my phone went off, signaling that I had 5 minutes till the party started. I went to the closet and pulled out the sundress that was kept in the back for me. I pulled out some white flats and exited the closet only to hear squeals coming from the two girls. I turned to look in the mirror with them, laughing at their faces.
"You guys think it's good?" I asked , suddenly nervous for meeting the whole pack.
"Eris, you look amazing. You are going to do brilliantly, we all know it. Now go out there and be with your mate." Anna said with a smile.

Ryder came up to me and grabbed my shoulders making me look at her.

"Woman, I know you. And I know that you are one of the bravest people I have ever met. You can do this. And we are both here for you."
A blush rose to my cheeks as they pushed me out of the bedroom and into the hallway.
I started to walk down the stairs where Blake was waiting for me at the bottom.
When his eyes met mine they widened and turned a dark yellow.
"You look...ah..absolutely perfect." He smiled at me as he laced his fingers with mine and kissed me softly before leading me into the backyard of the pack house.

The second I stepped out of the doorway there was a rush of hollers and applause as people started crowding around us. The little kids were crowding around my legs as their mothers looked embarrassed, trying to get a hold of them. They made me feel like some kind of celebrity.

I ended up loosing Blake in the way because everyone was hugging me and bowing to me and shaking my hand. It caused tears to come to my eyes as I could feel the love radiate off of everyone. It felt like hours had gone by as I talked to each and every one of them.
No one talked about the rouge problem. Blake had filled me in on it a few days ago. He told me not to worry and that no matter what, we would always be together. And for the first time in a long time, I whole heartedly believed him.

I eventually made my way to the back of the yard where Blake was waiting for me with a huge smile on his face. He opened his arms to me which I gladly entered and snuggled into him. We stood there, in our own little world, surrounded by people that we loved, and who loved us back, and we knew, we just knew that things were going to turn out all right.

*sorry for the rant that is about to come*

I FINISHED. I don't think there has ever been anything harder to accomplish in my life. No matter how many times I wanted to stop writing or give up I had so many people tell me to keep going. If it wasn't for you guys, this book wouldn't be finished. I want to thank anyone who has ever voted , commented, or even glanced at my story. It has helped my evolve as a writer and I can hopefully say that the end of the book shows that. This has become an amazing life experience for me and I hope to make more books in the close future.But now I can mark off my bucket list that I totally wrote a story and I can now clicked that dang complete button.

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