Chapter 7

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Eris’s POV

I took a seat next to Anna and across from Blake who was staring at me wide eyed. It seemed as though he was surprised I said yes. It’s not like I had a choice.

“You want something to eat Eris?” Anna asked. It seemed like Blake, who was still staring at me, didn’t feel like talking, just staring.

“Oh no thank you.” I said quietly. Even though Anna and I weren’t enemies, we were yet friends. She kind of forced me to give her my number and told me numerous times that we would be best friends forever, but I am still not ready to let my walls down just yet.

“I don’t want to be a bother.”

“No worries, I will walk you over to the line.”” Blake said in a surprisingly kind voice. He finally had stopped string and stood, followed by Anna.  I have to stand too right?

I stand slowly, not wanting to do anything wrong. Bullies are ticking time bombs. The slightest movement in the wrong direction and they will explode.

We walk side by side toward the line. Just when we get there Blake reached out and his fingers brush mine, like he desperately wants to hold my hand. My suspicions are correct when his fingers interlace with mine. I immediately recoiled my hand. What am I doing? It only my third day of school and I already have a ‘friend’ and I am holding hands with the person that beat the crap out of me.       With that thought I start to walk backwards. When Anna and Blake notice I am leaving, I already at the cafeteria doors. I turn around and run. I run all the way to the girl bathroom and run into a stall. It won’t be long before they get a group with them and all come attack me in the bathroom. I have had way too many bad experiences with that.

It isn’t long before someone enters the bathroom calling my name. At this point I am sitting with my knees to my chest on the toilet seat. I then recognize the voice as Anna’s who sound desperate to find me. “Eris, Eris please. I know you’re here. I won’t hurt you. Please, I know lunch was a bad idea but please come out of the stall.” At this point she sound right up against the stall door. When I don’t answer I here footsteps retreating out of the bathroom. You can’t even imagine how much I wanted to trust her. To open the door and to see her there and to leave with her and me knowing that she would never betray me. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t do that after all I have done to keep people away.

          Soon the footsteps return but there is more than one. It seems like there are two sets of feet…wow. They thing I am going to be that easy to beat up…even though I probably will be. Then I hear faint whispering of two people, “Yes…this one…won’t answer me…need trust…do something.” that voice sounded feminine but the next was definitely a males. “I don’t know…didn’t mean…couldn’t help…how?” Then I hear a pair of footsteps leave the bathroom and another pair stand closer to the door, “Eris, I’m Blake, if you didn’t already know that. You probably remember me from your first day. Word cannot describe how sorry I am and actions can’t show how guilty I am. I have changed since that day and I hope one of those changes is you forgiving me but if you never do I understand. Just trust Anna. She won’t hurt you, she just wants to be your friend. I care about you and I want to be your friend. Please…Eris.” Then I say something that didn’t even pass through my mind. “You have to prove it.” I gasp after I say it. I didn’t just say that did I? So I do the first thing that comes to my mind. I open the stall and walk right past Blake out of the bathroom.


-I am SO SORRY that I didn't update yesterday. I hope I can update again tonight it is just that I write the story in a note book, then I have to type it out on Microsoft  (that takes forever),then I have to paste it to wattpad. it takes some time. I am almost writing chapter 8. I don't know if I will get to it tonight but I am sorry if I don't. 


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