Chapter 3:

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A/N: I few things before you start reading….. I want to give a shout out to @Julia233 for actually calling that she has a tattoo…. I had it written down to put it in this chapter, so when I read your comment on the last chapter I knew I had to give you a shout out :D Great minds think a like eh? LOL

I also want to thank EVERYONE for their lovely COMMENTS so far on the first couple chapters. You truly have no idea how much they mean to me. I do ready every single one, and I wish I could reply to all of them, but I’ve been really busy so I haven’t had the time. The amount of votes and reads I’ve been getting as well is amazing as well :D

I will be updating a new chapter once a day just so you are all aware :D Enjoy chapter 3……

Louis’s POV

The lads and I are currently blending together some drinks for everyone. Everyone minus Anna, Mia, and my mum were out on the beach already.

“I really love that tattoo Anna. Does it have a meaning?” I heard my mum ask.

“She has a tattoo?” Niall asked shocked.

“I guess.” I shrugged.

“She didn’t say anything to you?” Zayn asked.

“She doesn’t say a lot about a lot of things.” Harry mumbled. I knew he was talking about the whole cheating scandal. He won’t admit it, but he is still torn up about it.

“Ssshh I want to hear about it.” Liam shushed us. We all nodded including Harry and quietly moved closer to the living room so we could hear my mum and Anna talking.

“As a little girl I always wanted a dream catcher to make the nightmares go away, but I was never aloud to have one. My parents said it was stupid and I was just being immature. A few months ago I decided I wanted a change, so I got a permanent dream catcher, so maybe I won’t ever have another nightmare again. Hopefully I will NEVER have to rely on someone EVER again to keep the nightmares away.” Anna said. I turned and saw that Harry looked a bit uncomfortable at her words. (Her tattoo and its location on sidebar)

“Well I hope it works.” I heard my mum say sounding a lot closer. The lads and I went back to making drinks.

“Hey what are you boys making?” Mum asked as her, Mia, and Anna walked into the kitchen.

“Some fruit smoothies and some alcoholic beverages.” I smiled cheekily.

“Are the girls already outside?” Mum asked me.

“Yeah, they are with Eleanor, Perrie, and Emily.” I said simply.

“Okay well I’m going to go out there.” Mum smiled. Mia and Anna followed behind her.

“Anna looks really skinny.” Liam said as soon as they were out of sight.

“I didn’t notice I was to busy looking at her tattoo.” I said honestly.

“Yeah I was doing the same.” Niall added with a chuckle.

“She did look quite skinny.” Harry said. I was actually surprised that he said anything.  (Anna in her bikini on sidebar)

“I noticed it too.” Zayn added. I sighed while I ran my fingers through my hair. How didn’t I notice her looking skinnier? What if she has an eating disorder?

“Mate just try and talk to her. Maybe it’s nothing serious.” Liam said patting my shoulder as if he read my mind.

“Let’s just finish making these drinks so we can go outside.” I sighed.

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now