Chapter 50 (Epilogue)

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Anna's POV

It’s been seven months since Harry got married. The last seven months have been great, but very busy. We moved into our house two months ago and let me tell you Harry did a fantastic job re-decorating the house. It's very modern now, but it still has a warm feeling to it. Harry and I each have an office. My office is upstairs and Harry's is downstairs. He turned the guest house into a recording studio, and he turned one of the bonus rooms into a room I can design and make clothes in.

Harry and my room is huge. Harry put a fireplace in it for when it’s cold. We have a king sized bed against one wall and a little sitting area by the windows. Our bathroom is freaking magically. I've never seen a bathroom that looks like a spa that isn't in the spa. If that makes sense. The bathtubs is huge and the shower has so many different options I still don't know all it can do. Harry and I both have our own closets to hold all the clothes we don't really need. 

Harry did great on the nursery. He was so excited to find out we were having a little boy, so he went with a light blue color scheme. The crib is placed in the middle of the room, and the dressers and changing table were placed against the walls. There is a rocking chair in the corner of the room by the window.

Speaking of the baby everyone was so happy when Harry and I told them we were expecting. Anne was overly excited. She started planning my baby shower as soon as we told her. Louis was actually very supportive which I was happy about. I wasn't sure how he would react because of his reaction when I thought I was pregnant. It was such a relief that everyone was happy for Harry and myself.

"Anna? Are you home?" Harry shouted from downstairs. I was lying in bed watching pointless TV with my feet propped up, since they are swollen.

"Upstairs!" I shouted back as I rubbed my giant belly. I'm due literally at any time now. Today was Harry's last day at work until two weeks after the baby is born. During that time Niall and Jessie are taking their honeymoon. They got married three months ago, but held off on taking their honeymoon due to One Directions schedule. The lads have been recording yet another album and are planning another world tour.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Harry asked me as he walked into our room.

"I'm huge and swollen how do you think I feel?" I asked him with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry but he will be here sooner than you think." He smiled at me.

"I'm just ready to get him out of me." I sighed. Harry nodded and walked over to day next to me on the bed.

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu