Chapter 18:

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Anna's POV

4 months later!

Harry and I still aren't together and neither one of us has tried to really change that. Luckily since I started back at school the work has kept me busy. Except all the girls at school hate me except my friends Zoe and Kasey who always back me up. They are the only ones who know about the weird mail I've been receiving. Ever since I got the envelope with the picture and hate tweets in it I've been getting weird threats and whatnot in the mail. I decided not to tell the guys because I knew they would flip out. I feel slightly uneasy about it, but I'm not uber concerned. Zoe and Kasey are uptight about it, and just wanting me to tell at least Louis but I tell them no every time they bring it up. Its probably just stupid 1D fans. 

My fall line is now for sale and is doing great, which I'm happy about since the money I get helps pays my bills every month. Today was the last day of school for a month. Its December 4'th and winter break begins (random day, so just go with the month break thing) I was kind of excited about Christmas this year, since I can afford to buy everyone gifts with my own money. Louis and I are driving to Doncaster the day before his birthday to spend that and Christmas with the family. In the mean time I get to help the rest of the lads plan Louis' surprise birthday party. I would say its fun, but to be honest I rather Niall sit on me and fart in my face for a week straight. These guys are the worst to plan anything with. They are scattered brained and are ALWAYS hungry. Oh and they just drive me nuts in general. Over the last two months Harry and I have gotten a lot closer. We are pretty good friends but that's it. Everyone hates they we aren't anything more, but they keep the disappointment to themselves. Harry's family still doesn’t like me and don't even like that Harry and I talk to each other. It really hurts that they hate me, but if I were them I would feel the same about me.

Its dinnertime right now and I'm heading up to Louis' flat. He was having all the lads and their girlfriends over for a 'family' meal. I'm excited for dinner since I haven't seen Louis and the lads for a few weeks. They were in the US doing some promo for 'The Best Song Ever'. They've all earned their trust back, but I'm still not as open with them as before. I’m just not uncomfortable around them anymore. Since I'm already dressed I just grabbed my phone and keys before leaving my flat and walking over to the lift. I pressed the up arrow button and waited for the lift. After a minute I heard a ding and the lift doors open to a smiling Harry Styles.

"Fancy seeing you here." He smirked at me. God I wish he wouldn’t smirk or just be nice to me it makes it really hard not to jump on him and kiss him like there’s no tomorrow.

"Yeah." I smiled and walked into the lift. As soon as the doors closed Harry pulled me into a bear hug.

"How are you? It’s been a while." He asked once he pulled away.

"Good today was my last day at school for a month for winter break." I smiled back at him.

"Well that's good. How'd your exams go? " He asked.

"Good I guess. I will find out my grades in a week or so." I shrugged.

"I'm sure you passed. You always do." He said. I nodded and smiled at him in response. DING! The lift doors open and Harry and i both walk out and head over to Louis' door.

"I want to talk to you about something after dinner. So don't leave until I do." Harry said right before he walked into my brothers flat without even knocking. My heart was beating million miles per second and my palms began to sweat. 'What does he have to ask me?' I asked myself as I walked into Louis' flat.

"ANNA!" Niall said running over to me and picking me up and spinning around in circles.

"Hiya Niall." I giggled.

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя