Chapter 35:

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A/N:  379 READS and 46 VOTES and 12 COMMENTS on the last chapter :D AHHH I love reading all of your comments, because I do READ all of them….

Anna’s POV

“I’m so tired. I just want to sleep.” Niall whined. We just left the airport in Australia so we are heading to the hotel. We all slept on the flight, but we were all exhausted as well.

“We will be at the hotel shortly then you can all go to your rooms and sleep for the whole night.” Preston said.

“You also have tomorrow off, so you don’t have to get up by a certain time.” Paul added. I was so happy to hear that we ALL have off tomorrow. I need to sleep off this jet leg.

“Are we aloud to leave the hotel tomorrow if we want?” Harry asked. ‘Damn he better not have any plans to go out, because I just want to sleep.’ I thought to myself.

“You can do pretty much whatever you want just make sure you take one of us with you.” Preston said while pointing at the security team.

“Okay cool.” Harry smiled at them. I sighed and rested my head against the headrest of the seat I was in and just closed my eyes. I need like 15 hours of sleep with no interruptions and if Harry wants to go out tomorrow then that would ruin my 15 hours of sleep.

“Tired?” Harry asked me quietly. I opened my eyes and turned my head to the left so I was looking at him and nodded my head.

“We are almost at the hotel, so we when we get there we can go right to our room and straight up to bed.” He said before leaning down and kissing my forehead.

“Ok.” I said as I closed my eyes again and leaned my head on his shoulders while he grabbed my hands and laced our fingers together.

“Love you.” He whispered in my ear. I was half asleep so I just nodded and smiled weakly at him.

“Anna, come on get up we are at the hotel.” Harry said shaking my legs gently. I sat up and yawned and looked at Harry and he just laughed at me, since I probably look like shit.

“Let’s get you to bed.” He smiled as he opened the car door and helped me out of the car before walking me into the hotel. Luckily management tricked the fans to where they thought we were staying, so there are no fans here at the hotel as we arrive.

“You love birds going to bed?” Zayn asked Harry and myself.

“I’m going to sleep, but I don’t know about Harry.” I said simply.

“I’ll probably take a quick shower and then go to bed.” Harry said.

“Oh okay. Well I will talk to you tomorrow.” Zayn smiled at Harry.

“Night Anna.” Zayn said pulling me into a friendly hug before walking over to where Louis and Liam were standing.

“Come on let’s get into a lift so we can get to our room sooner then later.” Harry said as he gently pulled me over to the lifts. After waiting for what felt like an eternity when really it was just 2 minutes the lift doors finally opened so we were able to get in and up to our room in a matter of minutes. Harry and my room is decent sized and has a great view of Sydney. As soon as I walked into the room I walked over to the bed and lay right down. Harry pushed me over to the other side of the bed before pulling me back over to where I was originally lying down. I was confused at first until I realized that he was unbuckling the blankets for me. He covered me with the blankets.

“Here, now try and get some sleep.” He said before leaning down and kissing my lips gently.   

“Thanks.” I mumbled to him. My eyes are getting heavier and heavier.

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now