Johan: Part 17

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A/N: I forgot to do this before but I'm going to leave translations in the comments. I'm using google tanslate people so dont get upset or offended if don't get it 100% right. I would actually appreciate it if you guys could leave a comment for me if I need to fix a mistake. Keep voting and commenting! Thanks <3
Everywhere I looked there was a dead end. It was like my mother didn't exist. I looked for Rosanna Mull in every version of the modern Paris Phonebook I could find online. When that didn't work I found one from ten years ago. Her name was there but the number now belonged to some old French Resturant. I called Marylin Mida, an old friend of my mom, but when I found her number in the modern phonebook she said she hadn't contacted Rosanna since she moved to England. I found a Rosanna Mull on Facebook but it belonged to someone in Ireland. I called the shop where my mom used to work after hours of trying to remeber the name (my memory isn't entirely prefect) but the place closed down 4 years ago. I called the adoption center but they couldnt give me anyrhing since it was a closed adoption.

After 10 hours of contsnt searching I promptly banged my head repeatedly on the table then climbed into bed. I thought of contacting my dad but I didn't even know his name. I had drifted off to sleep when all 5 of my sisters burst into my room.

"Feliz cumpleaños, Johan!" They shouted simultaneously.

I jumped so high I could have hit my ceiling. "Ne fais pas ça!" I shouted. All the girls stared at me with blank faces and I realized I just spoke in French. "Don't do that." I told them. "You scared me."

They ignored me and ran over to my bed. It was about 9 in the morning but I felt like I only had ten seconds of sleep. The girls grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room. Amie and Jack were downstairs but before I could say anything my adoptive parents pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Our little boy is 18!" Amie sniffed.

"Today, you're a man, son." Jack cried.

I hugged them back but I didn't know what to say to the two people who took me in when I was alone. I tried to put all my feelings into the hug and I think they got the message. 

"Ven aca." Amie said. She led me over to the kitchen table where there was a big birthday cake with a big 18 candle in the middle. Jack lit it and Amie turned out the light. The sang the spanish version of Happy Birthday and I blew out my candles. I wished to find my mom. Then sliced the cake. It was my favorite kind, vanilla with strawberry and cream in the middle. After the cake had been sliced and handed out they pushed the gifts at me.

"Open mine open mine!" Tina cried. I laughed and pinched her cheeks before picking up a bright pink bad with a tag that says Tina. Just as I was about to open it there was a knock on the door.

Jack went to open the door and returned a moment later with a panting Cassidy in tow.

"Sorry!" She panted. "I...almost missed..the bus..then got off at...the wrong stop..."

I stood up and gave Cassy my chair. "Why didn't you call me?" I asked as I pulled up another. "I would have picked you up."

"No I didn't want to bother you." She caught her breath and sipped some water Amie got her.

"It's no bother Cass." I said.

"I know. Happy Birthday Johan." She said and kissed my cheek. I cut her a slice of cake and proceeded to open Tina's gift. I reached in an pulled out a giant bag of oreos.

"Because I know you love them so much and...well I ate the last ones."

I laughed and put them back in the bag. "Thank you T." I smiled.

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