Question 1

376 22 29

From SashEG:

To the seven: who is your favorite of the seven of the opposite gender besides your girlfriend or boyfriend and your least favorite of your gender and you have to pick (sorry girls!) Also I dare Percy to tell the seven about what happened with Gabe.


Percy: Umm... Do I have to?

Jason: Who's Gabe?

Percy: My step-dad before Paul.

Annabeth: The one your mom turned to stone with Medusa's head?

Percy: Yup! XD

Piper: Was he that bad?

Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Sally Jackson: You have no idea.

Percy: He smelled worse than Hades's gym shorts!

Nico: ... Really...

Percy: Sorry Neeks!

Grover: He could probably mask the scents of all the demigods in Camp Half-Blood AND Camp Jupiter combined!

Annabeth: Anyways... back to the other question. My favorite boy besides Percy? Probably Frank.

Leo and Jason: WHAT?!

Annabeth: He's quieter and less annoying then you two. And there's NO way in Hades that I could pick Hazel and Piper as my least favorite so... I pick myself. 

Piper: Me too!

Hazel: Same.

Percy: My fave girl besides Annabeth... Pipazel.

Piper: ...

Hazel: ...

Piper: Do you ship us or something?

Percy: What? *thinks about what he said* Oh! No! No, no, no, no, no! I was trying to pick both of you at once so I wouldn't have to choose!

Jason: So who's your least fave guy?

Percy: ... Hey! I think that I hear Tyson calling me! *runs off into the distance*

Jason: ... Well, ok then. My fave girl is Annabeth... no Hazel... no Annabeth... no Hazel... I don't know what to say!

Leo and Frank: Same!

Frank: Who is your least favorite guy?

Leo: Percy.

Jason: Percy.

Frank: Percy.

Leo: Hey Pipes and Hazel,  who are your fave guys besides your boyfriends?

Piper: Frank, because he makes Hazel happy and Percy is an idiot.

Hazel: Jason, because he makes Piper happy and Percy is an idiot.

Piper and Hazel: Awe! Besties! *laughing and hugging*

Leo: ...Wow guys... I'm really feeling the love...

Jason: Awe! *Baby voice* Does somebody need a huggy-wuggy? *gives Leo a giant hug*

Percy: *runs back over to the group*  I wanna hug, too! *joins in*

Leo: *crushed by everyone suddenly* Guys! I... need... air!

A/N: That's all for now! Plz send more questions and stuff! Bye!


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