Question 7

220 14 1

From: Cnb123xoxo

For The Seven: What would you do if there was a passage to another world that didn't have gods or monsters or Tartarus or anything? Would you leave or stay?


Piper:.. No gods?

Jason:... No monsters?

Percy:...No Tar- Tar... No that place?

Leo: I would probably leave since life would be kinda boring if I wasn't a half-blood... and there would be no Calypso...

Annabeth: If I was there *takes a sip of her drink*... I couldn't design anything as amazing as I did in Olympus. So I wouldn't want to stay.

Percy: No Annabeth there means no Percy there.

*Annabeth smiles and leaves the room to refill her cup* 

Hazel: I wouldn't fit in with anyone there, since I'm so 'old schooled'. I belong at Camp Jupiter. I wouldn't stay.

Frank: I think that being a demigod and having monsters after you and knowing that monsters will track you down makes you stop and appreciate life more, since you'll never know when the end will be. You take pride in the little things. You want to spend more time with loved ones. You want to make the most out of every day. So I wouldn't stay.

Piper: Frank... that was beautiful...

Frank: Oh, and I wouldn't stay if Hazel wasn't going to.


Frank: *turns into cat and meows softly*

Percy:... I don't even... why did... *throws hands in the air* I give up!

Annabeth: *walks back in the room* What did I miss?

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