Question 13

170 8 26

From: crazyfandomsgirl2002:

To the DAMigods (A/N: See what I did there ;-) lolz) : *takes deep breath* Guys! Guys! I have a question for you all! Would any of you like to part-take in a prank war? Choose your teams, I will be one captain, & you guys choose the other one. No. Mercy. *laughs evilly*


Thalia: I like the no mercy part *smirks evilly*

Nico: Me too, cousin. *smirks evilly as well and looks at Percy*

Thalia: STOLLS!

Connor & Travis: YES MA'AM!

Thalia: You're on our team! I'm the captain.

Annabeth: What about me? I am the strategist.

Thalia: That's why you're on my team, Annie. 

Nico: Hey, Thalia. What about *looks at Percy again* him?

Thalia: *shudders* Stick 'em on the other team. I don't want him.

Percy: *highly offended* HEY!!!

Clarisse: The Ares cabin is on whatever team is against Prissy.

Thalia: Welcome to the club, Clarisse. *looks at Grover* How about you, Goat Boy?

Grover: *sarcastically* Hmm... let me think about that... Be on Thalia's team and survive or be on Percy's team and lose all my dignity... Nature is on your side, Thalia.

Percy: Oh, come on you guys!

Clovis: Can the Hypnos cabin join you?

Percy: *smiles* Sure!

Clovis: Oh... umm... Sorry I was talking to Thalia...

Thalia: The more the merrier!

Lou Ellen: Hecate is behind you Thalia!

Thalia: Great!

Percy: Wow...I feel so loved guys...

Thalia *smirks* Well, crazyfandomsgirl2002 , I have my team with Hades, Athena, Hermes, Ares, Hypnos, and Hecate and the spirits of nature. *fake British accent* Shall we begin?

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