Chapter 14

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Eventually, we managed to get my bag back from Jj. It took Vik's help to surround him too. We ended up surrounding him in a bathroom and Simon poured hand wash all over him. Well at least we know that Jj smells nice: like strawberry laces.

We were all currently watched a horror film; me, Simon, Vik, Jj, Josh and Freya with our 3 boxes of large pizza. I was sharing with Simon as pepperoni was our favourites, Freya and Josh were sharing a box and so were Jj and Vik. Ever since the pizza had arrived, they were fighting over how many slices each. They got a half and half pizza to share and they were arguing over if they took the other guy's slice. It was very entertaining to watch. We were currently watching Anabelle, yes I know it's not scary but Freya and Jj aren't too keen on horror. I love horror films but I still get jumpy from the jump scares. We have been watching it for about 20 minutes and I've already jumped over 10 times. I was sitting next to Simon and he would jump every time I did causing us to laugh, which made everyone give us funny looks.

"No that's my slice! Look you can see the chicken!" Jj shouted, pointing to the last slice of pizza in the box. We all looked round and sighed because they were at it again. This time it was the last slice which will make them row of it even more.

"No! That's not chicken that's pineapple! Jj you need glasses!" Vik said picking up the slice. As Vik was about to put it in his mouth, Jj took it off him.

"No it's mine!" Jj shouted. Everyone was wetting themselves with laughter now.

"Actually, no it's mine," Simon said stealing the pizza off Jj and putting it in his mouth. He took a massive bite out of the pizza slice so Jj and Vik couldn't get it back. They're mouths dropped so deep it looked like it was going to fall off. Me and Freya sat there laughing to hard at the Jj and Vik's reactions.

"Mmm yeah, it was chicken, thanks for the pizza boys, very tasty!" Simon chuckled, licking his lips when he finished eating it. Jj's expression changed from shocked to angry.

"I'll get you back you bitch!" Jj whispered to Simon. Me and Freya sat there laughing so hard we couldn't breathe.

"Guys shh, the film," Josh spoke. We all remembered about the film and carried on watching it, Jj's arm crossed over. Me and Simon held in our giggles from Jj and carried on watching the film.

We were about over halfway the film and I managed to last 5 minutes without jumping. Until, the doll appeared onto the screen with a loud beat. This time me and Simon both jumped at the same time and laughed looking at each other. We were making full eye contact. I loved his eyes. I could look into them all day, they are beautiful. Suddenly, we heard someone cough making us cut out of our gaze. We both blinked and blushed. Oops...

"I'm going to go to get in the shower, enjoy watching the rest of the film," I chuckled standing up.

"Make sure the doll isn't in your shower," Jj said, laughing at his silly joke. I gave him a sarcastic laugh and ran upstairs. Once I entered my room, I remembered that I left my blazer in Simon's room when we were turning into superheroes. I needed to keep my blazer non-creased as I wouldn't have time to iron or wash it when I get home. I don't actually want to go home I'm having way to much fun with the guys...

I walked across to Simon's room and letting myself in. I knew he was downstairs watching the film so there was no point knocking. He wouldn't have minded if I been in his room anyway. I picked up my blazer from the other side of his bed. As I stood up, I saw Simon standing by the door of his room.

"Oh erm sorry, I was just getting my blazer." Simon didn't respond, he just closed the door and walked over to me. I didn't say a word - I just watched him. He was moving closer and closer to me.

"I can't tame myself anymore..." He whispered.

Before I had a chance to reply, I felt his breath on my face. He was moving so close to me. I didn't move, I didn't want to. I actually allowed what he was doing. Instantly, he smashed his lips onto mine. Fireworks exploding in my stomach as I kissed him back. The kiss was getting harder and deeper but still passionate. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him so our bodies were touching. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss even more. I cannot believe what was happening. It was Simon all along I was falling for. Not Vik. Simon.

We were getting off for a long time and I didn't want to stop. Suddenly, I felt Simon remove his big hands from my waist and towards my buttons on my shirt. I was still in my uniform, shit. He loosed my tie and started unbuttoning my shirt. One by one. I removed my hands from Simon's neck and moved them to his chest. I gently pulled away, my shirt fully undone so I was my bra was visible. Why didn't I wear a better sexier one, not a plain red one?!

"Sorry," I whispered looking up at Simon. His eyes showed a caring expression.

"No don't be, it's my fault, I shouldn't have gone this far."

"No it's not that. I'm a virgin. I just had to have a moment to think. Come on." I pecked him on the lips.

"Are you sure?" Simon asked, his eyes twinkling. I smiled at him and lifted my hands up his top, feeling his warm skin. He smiled back and leaned in. We kissed again. Harder. Simon took off my shirt and lifted up his. Wow he had abs. I tried to contain my excitement so I didn't seem too weird and put Simon off. He picked me up and placed me on the bed as I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms round his neck.

This is so dangerous.

What am I doing?

I'm letting Simon take my virginity.

This seriously is becoming a dangerous game.

Hey hey hey it's me Vikkstar123...

Na I'm kidding lol.

Hope you guys enjoyed, yaaay they finally kissed! Well more then kissed;)

I've never been a fan of sex scenes so you can just carry on imagining it yourselves if you wanted more details haha;)

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I'm back now woo.

So do you think Layla will regret it?

Let me know, follow me on Twitter


Lots of love!!

Ella xxxx

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