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              *home after ice cream*

I let the warm water drip down my body, I let all my thoughts out in the open. I felt as free as I can be.

Taking a warm shower is something I really needed after the whole dad problem. This is something that makes me feel like the only person on earth.

"Sweetie, you've been in there for an hour, are you okay?" My mom asked. She was banging on the door repeatedly. I huffed and turned the water off.

"I'm fine" I said. I wrapped the towel around my body and opened the door. My mom stood in front of me worried. "Mom, trust me I'm fine" I said again.

She gave me a small smile and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm so sorry" she said starting to cry. I lifted up her chin and gave a smile. "I'm fine mom. I really am" I lied.

"Okay good" she said. "Well I'm gonna get changed. You go on your date with your girlfriend" I said with a smile. "Okay, I love you" she said.

"I love you to mom" I said. She kissed my cheek and walked out of my room. I dropped my towel and walked over to my closet. "What should I wear?" I whispered to myself.

I grabbed my bra and panties, and an outfit for me to wear to bed. I put on an oversized shirt and basketball shorts cause you know I gotta be comfortable.

"Hey honey come down for dinner" , my mom screamed. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. We never have dinner together, plus she's going out to dinner with her girlfriend.

I grabbed my phone and walked down to the kitchen to see my mom holding a huge can of ice cream. "Oh, mom you know me so we'll", I laughed.

"Hey, I know your upset, and trust me ice cream always works with pain", she said. I grabbed the ice cream out of her hands and smiled. "Well we should watch a movie" I said. "Agreed"

We walked over to the living room and put my favourite movie the maze runner on. "Thanks mom" I said. She smiled and wrapped her arm around me. "Your my baby no matter how old you are, and I'm always going to be here when you need me" she said.

I laid my head on her shoulder and smiled. "I don't know what I would do without you mom", I whispered.

I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She always makes me feel better when I'm down. She's my best friend.

"Mom your date", I said with worried eyes. My mom just laughed. "It's fine, I called her and told her tomorrow night" she smiled. "You know you didn't have to do that for me" I said. "You need me right now, so a date can wait" she said.

I smiled and continued watching the movie with my mom who looked so interested in it.


"Good morning hoeeeee" Madison screamed. I covered my face with my pillow and ignored her as best as I can. "Stevie" she poked me. "Stevie" she said poking me again.

"Shut up, I want to sleep" I said annoyed. She smirked and pushed me off the bed. "Fine I'll just sleep on the floor" I said. "Come on Stevie, it's been a week. You haven't went to school you haven't even left your room" she said.

She was right, I haven't been leaving my house lately. I don't know why, I just haven't been wanting to go anywhere. I just want to stay home all the time.

"Fine" I gave up. I got up and stretched my arms. "Where are we going?" I asked. "We are going to my my cottage for a week with all the guys and carters new girlfriend Maggie, so pack your shit" she said.

I grabbed a small beg out of my closet and placed it on my bed. "Can you help me" I asked. She nodded her head and got up. "What should I bring?" I questioned.

"We are only there until Monday, so probably 2 pare of shorts, and 1 pare of tights" she said.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a few pare of clothes. "Hey, let's go" Taylor said barging into my room. I shoved the clothes in my beg and put my toothbrush and comb inside.

"Hello" he whispered into my ear. "Do I look ready?" I said raising an eyebrow. "You look good so I'm guessing so" he said. I rolled my eyes and walked into my washroom.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and raised in eyebrow. I looked so bad. My hair was all over the place my mascara from 2 days ago was smudged all over my face.

I rolled my eyes and washed my face with my tea tree oil. "You got 10 minutes to get ready" Madison screamed.

I dried my face quickly and changed into my outfit. I was wearing black adidas with a white tank top and a flannel.

After putting my outfit on I combed my long brown hair. "Hurry up" I heard Cameron's voice.

I walked out of the washroom and put my white Nikes. "Okay let's go" I said. I picked up my beg and walked out of my house.

As I walked out of my house I saw all the guys in a white van that fit all of us. "How far is the cottage?" I asked Madison. We were placing our stuff in the back of the bus.

"It's about 2 hours, so get comfortable sitting beside your boyfriend" she said with a smirk. "First of all we aren't dating, second of all why do I have to sit beside him?"

"Because I ship you to, plus he likes you, and you like him, it's so obvious" she said with the duh tone. "Whatever you say Madison" I rolled my eyes.

I walked into the car and sat in my seat. If this is going to be a 2 hour drive I can at least try getting at comfortable as possible.

I was sitting beside the window, and beside me was Taylor of course. I plugged my ear buds in and played never forget you by Zara Larsson and MNEK.

half way through the song I can feel Something laying on my shoulder. I looked to my right and noticed Taylor has fallen asleep on me.

I giggled, and took a snap of Taylor sleeping on my shoulder. "Aw I ship it" a girl said.

I'm guessing she's Maggie? "Why does everyone say that"I chuckled. "Cause it's true" she said. "I'm Stevie" I said
changing the subject.

I didn't want to be talking about how people see me dating Taylor, it's a bit awkward.

"I'm Maggie, carters girlfriend" she smiled. She Seemed really nice. "It's really nice to meet you" I Said.

After a while of talking I decided to fall asleep as we'll. I put my Phone in my pocket and placed my head on Taylor's.

       Soon enough I was passed out


I'm trying to be as active as I can for you all <3

Ps- if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm always here

Bitch || T.CTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang