Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

I wrote the note as quickly as I could, if I took any longer then necessary they'd try and stop me. I have to do this for myself, if I don't then I'll never be able to do anything for myself. As much as I'll miss them it'll be much harder to stay here. I picked the note up and read it over again. I was a surprisingly good writer for a 4 year old. 

Dear Mom and Dad, 

As much as I'll miss you I can't stay here, it's too much pressure for me. I'll always love you two but I won't be able to live another day here. I'm going onto bigger things, things that are bigger than you and I. Even at my young age I can understand that you two are too protective, the only thing I can promise you is that I'll do best to stay safe. I fear that if I contact you anytime after this letter you will be hurt, I'll never stop missing you. I love you but good bye. 

     Love your daughter 


I folded up the note and placed it on the counter and pulled my backpack on, it had all the supplies I'd need for a few weeks. I pulled the hood up on my black sweater before I turned to leave out the door. I walked out the front door but stopped at the road. I couldn't help it, I was 4. 

I looked back once more, I knew it was all for the best but it didn't make it any easier. My life was about to get a lot harder, I just didn't know it yet. I would know it soon though, much sooner then I would have liked. 


I was shaken awake, I peeled my eyes open the reveal Jenna shaking me. I sat up and she stopped and stepped back to give me some space. I tried to shake the sleepiness off to the best of my abilities but I had really needed that sleep. 

"Good, you're finally awake. You were mumbling and thrashing in your sleep, I needed to wake you up or you were going to hurt yourself," she told me. I nodded, I didn't always sleep soundly. I usually had bad dreams or memories would come back to me. "Anyways we're landing in 15 minutes, we need to collect our stuff and get ready for landing." 

"Okay, I'll wake up Laura and you can wake Rylee," I told her. She nodded and I walked over to Laura and started shaking her awake. She tried to swap me away at which point I tried something else. I rolled her off the chair. She landed on the floor with a loud THUD. I stepped back and tried to hid my giant smile that was creeping across my face. 

"Ow, was that really necessary?" she demanded as she pushed herself up off the ground. She stood on wobbly legs at first but stood normally after a minute. 

"Yes, we're landing in 15 so you needed to pack your stuff up," I told her. She sighed but started packing up. I moved over to where I had been sitting and cleaned up my stuff. I had only been a few things like my phone and gum. 

I was done in under a minute so I decided to start a conversation. It was way too quite for my liking right now. 

"Why did you three decide to start in the agency?" I asked them after I buckled myself down to my seat.  

"I ran away from home but after a few days I passed out, the next thing I knew I was in the infirmary at the agency and they offered me a job, I took it. After my training they made a back story for me and placed me in a family they could trust," Rylee explained. I nodded in understanding, they usually place younger people into families and sent them to school. 

"I decided to follow in my aunts' footsteps, she'd started when she was young but died when on a mission a few years after making full agent status. I followed some directions she'd left for me before hand, she had noticed my gift with computers and knew I'd be useful," Jenna said. I smiled, it was always good to follow the family. 

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