Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

I was awoken by some one banging on the door, not thinking I got up and opened the door. The five guys burst in and Zayn locked the door behind him. I was starting to get worried, who burst into a persons room in the morning and locked the door? 

"Why are you guys here?" I demanded in my sleepy voice. They all smiled at me, I wanted to slap them so badly and hated the fact that I couldn't. 

"Hiding from security," Liam answered. I smiled at him but I realized my mistake when Niall looked into my eyes, he started to frown and was about to object. I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out some denim short shorts and a neon pink t-shirt with blue paint splatters. I cut in with Niall before he could say anything to me about my mistake. 

"I'll be right back," I said before I closed the door to the bathroom. I locked it behind me and carefully put my blue contacts in, I put the empty case away in the drawer. I switch my tank top out for my t-shirt and my sweats for my shorts. My straight blond hair went a few inches below my shoulders. I turned the tap on and washed my hands, I dried them on the towel that hung on the wall. I looked at my reflection one last time and thought about how much I looked like Charlotte, the resemblance was actually scary. 

I unlocked the door and stepped into a serious sounding conversation the boys were having, the stopped the second I entered. I couldn't help wonder what they were talking about, if I'd been smart then I would have listened into the conversation before I left the bathroom. I really needed to think before I acted. 

"Are you ready to go for breakfast?" Louis asked me. 

"Yeah, but I thought you were avoiding security?" I asked suspiciously. Why would they run in here to hide then go straight back out? 

"We are but I went and checked while you were getting changed, they're all out of the room now," Harry said. 

"Awesome, so where are we going for breakfast?" I asked. Niall smiled at me, he looked me in the eyes and sighed. I knew had been looking for the mistake I'd made before, I also knew that he was disappointed that he couldn't find it. 

"We're going down stairs to the breakfast buffet," Niall said with slight pride. I nodded as Louis led the way out of the room, I took up the back of the group as we walked over to the elevator.  

We were downstairs, eating as much as we could fit into our mouths, in under 5 minutes and may i say, the food there was amazing. Even though I had to sit here with these idiots, it was all worth it with this amazing food. When the waiter came by to take our plates though I was surprised to see that it Walter in a costume. 

"So when do you guys play?" I asked them through a mouthful of food. I had been told but I thought it would be common sense to ask. 

"Tonight and the day before we leave here, this will be the second to last stop of the tour for a month. Management decided to cut it short," Liam complained. This was good though, I wouldn't have to be close to these boys any longer then I had to be. 

"That sucks," I lied before I started another waffle. It was piled high with fruit, whip cream and syrup. I really loved having waffles like this, they were absolutely delicious. 

15 minutes later I'd gone through over 3 plates full of food, afterwards we headed back up to the room. I opened my suitcase and decided to pick out what to wear for that night at the concert. I took out a dress with multiple shades of purple on it. It had a ruffled skirt, it was halfway up my thighs so I decided to wear some short shorts Charlotte and I had picked up from Lulu Lemon. That way I wouldn't be embarrassed if I had to fight. 

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