Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 

After a short announcement dinner was served, it was simple but elegant. Not to mention absolutely delicious. I devoured mine in a fancy manor, I didn't want people thinking I was crazy, even if I was just a bit. After dinner the Director came in surrounded by security, even on the stage his personal body guards were around him. They would have been stupid to have any number less though, he was a very important person. 

"First things first, I would like to welcome back Agent 002 and 003. They will be joining us in the agency once again. I would like to thank Agent 052 mostly though. Because of her we have gotten rid of three robe spies, the other three though fled on the sight. We have captured one though and have a lead on the other two that a few agents are following as we speak. Now that we have all of that good stuff covered, let the dancing begin!" he announced. After he was escorted out of the room the tables were pushed to the side and the music started to play a slow song. 

"Would you like to dance?" a voice asked me from my right. I turned and saw Walter standing there in his hansom black and white tux. I stood up and took his hand. I had a huge smile on my face as we danced towards the floor. 

"I would love to," I told him happily. He took my over to the center of the dance floor. I placed my hands on his shoulders and he held me by my hips. He pulled me closer and I smiled as we danced around the room. It felt wonderful, like I was floating on air. It was magically, that was how it felt. It was almost too good to be true. 

After a few minutes I became aware that the song had changed to something more upbeat. I released him and started having some fun with my dancing. There were waiters and waitresses walking around and handing out drinks. I declined the first offer though, I didn't need to be as drunk as Paris again. Now that was a bad hangover. Not to mention I was at a serious place that had my fellow workers, my brother and my parents at it. 

I danced with almost everyone, my parents, my friends, my brother and a few other spies. Soon another slow song came on and I realized that Walter wasn't there with me that time. I walked to the edge of the room and sat down on one of the chairs. It wasn't until I sat down that I realized how tired I was from dancing. 

"Would you like to dance?" a familiar accent asked me. I smiled and accepted happily, I chose to ignore my tiredness for the moment as I wanted to dance even more then rest. I placed my hands on his shoulders and he placed his hands on my hips. We started to dance around the floor a bit before our conversation started up. "You look beautiful tonight, you know that right?" 

"So I've been told. Are you enjoying the ball though, Niall?" I asked him. He was smiling like an idiot he looked so happy about dancing. After what he told me the night before though I wasn't surprised he was so happy.  

"It's amazing," he said. We didn't speak again while we danced. Halfway through the song though a spy I didn't recognize came up to me. I could only guess that he was one of the younger spy's in the agency, there were plenty of them. The younger they started their training the more experienced they would be one day. 

"There is some one out in the hallway that requests you speak to them," he told me. I couldn't help but wonder who it was. I was sad to have to leave Niall in the middle of the song, but I wanted to know who wanted to talk to me. 

"Thank you, I'll be going in less then a minute." After he had walked away I turned to a sad looking Niall. "I'll finish this dance another time, duty calls." He gave me a short wave as I made my way out into the hall. There I found something that surprised me. 

"Has anyone told you that you look beautiful like that?" 034 asked me. I rolled my eyes, I'd heard this more then once to be exact. In fact it was starting to annoy me, no matter the truth of the comment it was too repeated. 

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