Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 

When I woke up I had a killer head ache, I wanted nothing more then it to go away. I sunk deep into my sheets, I realized I was still wearing my clubbing clothes. I tried my best to remember the night before but I could barely remember anything. 

All I could remember was everything before my drinks and dancing, a lot of dancing. 

I sat up carefully and the head ache returned but it wasn't the only pain, my eyes were burning again. I ran into the bathroom and took my contacts out. I checked my phone and was surprised to see that it was already 1 in the afternoon, I slept for a long time. I found that my camera was placed on the dresser to the side of the room, I grabbed it in hope that I had taken plenty of photos last night. I can't say I wasn't happy, photos helped me remember everything. 

I turned it on and flicked through my Eifel tower photos, I passed them in a hurry before I ran into my club photos. Some one else must have taken photos cause there were pictures of things like me dancing, doing shots and even a few of me kissing some guys. Guys like Niall, Harry, Zayn, Walter and a ton of other guys I didn't know. 

I sighed and turned the camera off, placing it back in my carry on. Right now I just didn't want to do anything but I knew I had other things to do, like get something to eat. I changed into some dull gray sweats and a light blue tank top, I walked out into the living room to find the guys sitting around texting people. 

"Is there any food here?" I asked in a dry tired voice. They all turned to see me and Louis was the very first to speak up. 

"Charlotte, I'm disappointed in you. You are an underaged minor, you have no right to go get drunk at that club. When we get back from this tour you're so going to be grounded," Louis lectured. I glared at him, I didn't need this on my birthday. 

"Can you just shut the hell up? I need some food soon," I said. Malcolm smiled at me before getting up, he went unnoticed as Louis started his complaining again. I didn't care what he had to say to add to my head ache, it all just went right over my head. 

"If you ever speak like that again you are going straight home," he threatened. I glared at him but turned my eyes away before he could notice the eye colour. After a few minutes Malcolm came back in with a bowl full of fruit like grapes, apples, oranges and berries. He came over to where I sat on the stand alone comfy chair. 

"Thanks," I told him with a full smile. When ever I didn't feel well fruit always helped me. I started eating through the fruit when a hand started to creep up, panicked. I threw the bowl up high above my head, grabbed the hand, flipped the person and caught the bowl only moments before it hit the ground. I sat back down, started eating my fruit, and looked down to see it was Niall who was trying for my food. I gave him a large grin. 

"Now why are you on the ground?" I asked him innocently. He glared at me and I gave him a nice smile, I looked around at the guys and Louis was glaring at me, Liam was thinking, Harry was staring at me as though something was going to pop out at him and Zayn was checking his reflection on his phone with trying not to laugh at Niall. I didn't really mean to do that but hey, he was trying to eat a very hungry persons' food. That ain't right! 

"So, Charlotte, are you still up for today?" Malcolm asked me. I had to think about what he was talking about, then I remembered the Eifel tower. He had a present for me today, I smiled at him. AT least some one would turn my mood happier. 

"Of course, let's go," I told him, I'd finished my fruit a few minutes ago. I got up and decided I would change, it was a nice day out so I needed something that wouldn't heat up as easily. "On second thought, I'll be right back." 

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