The Boy Who Sleeps on my Bedroom Floor- Part Three

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Hello my lovelies!

This is Luke's POV for you, all for you my readers! Vote, comment and become a fan if you love me for this and if you are reading this and have read the past two parts the vote comment and become a fan! Because I love my fans and people who comment and vote! Please may I have lots this time, especially as I have had exams and still put this up? More of my crap rambling at the end haha

FYI: Luke always calls Emi-Sophia 'the kid', 'kiddo' or 'her/she'. Just to stop people getting confused haha.

My jaw dropped when I saw the Kid emerge from her bedroom but I quickly composed myself as she looked up and smiled at me sheepishly. Gabby came running at me and was hanging off of my arm before I could blink.

"Oh Luke, doesn't she look AMAZING?!" She gushed in my ear. Slightly more forcefully than she would have liked, I shook my arm from her grip.

"You do look great Kiddo," I said, shamelessly beaming at her.

My actions in the past hour or so had been incredibly brave. Brave but... very, very stupid. I had forced her into saying that she loved me and then I kissed her. Alright, I may have only kissed her for a fraction of a second but the look on her face as we broke apart was one of pure and utter horror. I obviously shocked, scared and probably even repulsed her. She had said I was like a brother to her and I should have been happy with that. But no; I kissed her. In time, I would get over her and move on. I had told myself that everyday for the past five years but every day she was just more beautiful, inside and out. I had said that everyday but it still hadn't happened.

That cheeky, smiley, adorable, gorgeous girl was on my mind twenty four- seven. I hadn't seen her for so long. I was away from her for a whole month on a silly holiday with my family. A month without her scent. A whole month without her smile. A whole month without my daily hug and physical contact that was like a drug to me. A whole freaking month without... her. Sure I had dated other girls. I had kissed other girls. I had even fooled around with other girls but I had never... I would never, you know, with another girl. In my sick, crazy, teenage, hormonal mind she was the only girl I could ever, you know, with. After tonight I should never try and be with her in that way again.

We had walked down the stairs by this point and were in Gabby's car within a matter of minutes. Gabby's car, of course, was completely attention seeking. A bright yellow, convertible Porshe; four seater. The girl never ceased to tell everyone that it was the only of its kind and that her oh so rich Daddy had bought it for her. The only thing that I liked about the car was the fact that everytime the Kid got in it she smiled her freaking ass off. She loved it because it reminded her of that vampire story. God she loves that book. I looked over at her and, sure enough, her eyes were slightly glazed over and she had a huge smile on her face. My low chuckle was washed away with the roar fo the engine. I carefully moved my arm closest to her and placed it quietly on the seat behind her shoulders. She shifted slightly and I quickly removed my arm. I was so tactless! Of course that would make her uncomfortable. I rolled my eyes at myself. I can be so selfish sometimes.

We arrived at the beach in a matter of ten minutes or so and I looked out onto the scene before me. As usual, all the girls were tottering around in ridiculous heels on the deck so as not to get all sandy. The guys were starting a driftwood fire on the actual beach. I was glad I hadn't been bullied into dressing smarter. I was still wearing my white cut offs and flip flops, but had changed into a blue and white striped Hollister shirt. I had rolled the sleeves on the shirt up to my elbows and undone the top three buttons, just how the Kid liked it.

I walked with the girls onto the deck, waving to the several people who had yelled greetings at me. I strode over to the table supporting the huge punch bowl and monsterous bucket full of beer and ice. I poured a cup of punch for the Kid and grabbed a beer for myself.

"Here," I said as I handed it to her, smiling. Again with the freaking smiling Valentine. What's wrong with you tonight? I scolded myself, although I knew it was because I was on a high from the events of earlier. She grinned back at me and took a sip. She coughed and spluttered, wincing.

"Oh good God, that's strong!" She exclaimed wiping her mouth.

"Drink it slowly then. And no more than three, Kiddo!" I said and i ruffled her hair. She smacked my hand away and started patting down her hair, smiling at a crowd of her passing friends.

"I'm only a year younger than you, Luke. Please don't forget that," she looked like she was sad as she said it but turned away before I could tell for sure, to talk to Honor. Oh boy, I sure had messed things up big time.

Suddenly, all the guys were on the deck and extremely loud music started playing; Tik Tok by Kesha. I searched the vicinity for the source of the sound and found my friend Ed by the volume control of four huge speakers, locking the iPod and joining the crowd of dancers. Everyone was dancing, their bodies packed closely together in the small space of the deck. The base boomed louder than the other elements of the music and bottles were clinking all over. The party had started. I left my now empty bottle on the ledge of the railing on the deck and walked back to my little group with my hands in the end pumping to the base. Ed was grinding on Gabby as she danced and I grabbed Honor and the Kid's hands and put them up in the air. Everyone was singing along. Then the song changed quickly and everyone cheered. I nodded along as I watched the Kid sing along.

"Oh, I can't go any further than this," she sang. I tried not to focus on her lips as her mouth formed the lyrics of the song. They were so pink and as I now knew for sure, lovely and soft. I licked my lips hungrily as I turned away.

I looked over to the now roaring fire on the beach.

"Hey guys," I yelled over the music, "I say we take this to the fire!" All the guys cheered and jumped of the deck onto the sand and the girls began removing their heels and doing the same. As everyone left the deck for the sand and fire, the Kid stayed behind and when I saw her pick up the iPodm I figured she was choosing a song so I went over to the fire to wait for her there. Soft accoustic guitar began playing, followed quickly by blues style electrice guitar over the top. The kid was now by the fire. She was dancing; her hands in the air, eyes closed, hips swaying slowly and seductively to the music. As I watched a small, small part of me was screaming at me not to do it but after a while I joined her tiny frame by the fire. I wrapped my arms round her waist and her arms snaked around my neck. I closed my eyes in contentment as she burried her face in my chest and sighed as I rested my chin on her shoulder. I breathed her pefume in as the chorus kicked in.

And I'm telling you,

These feelings won't go away,

They've been knocking me sideways,

They've been knocking me out there,

Whenever you come around me,

These feelings won't go away,

They've been knocking me sideways,

I keep thinking any moment that,

Time will take them away,

But these feelings won't go away.

I exhaled slowly and tried not to think too much about the relevance of the lyrics to our- my situation. I drew her in closer to me as the small, small sensible part of my mind took over. I could never make her uncomfortable again. Ever. That meant I could never be with her. Ever. As the electric guitar really hit it off, I decided to vow that I would never do any of those things. That I could never be with her.

But if this part of me was taking over, then why the hell was I kissing her? AGAIN.

A/N: You laaiiiike?

Vote and COMMENT (pleeeeeease) if you want the next part! Because you know I love you!

Love, me


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