The Boy Who Sleeps On My Bedroom Floor- Part Ten (!)

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Emi-Sophia's POV

In the short time I had been away from Luke, I had forgotten how beautiful he was. I inwardly gasped at the fact that I had just thought that. It wasn't that Luke wasn't hot because boy oh boy was he hot. It was just that I didn't think of him in that way. I saw that he had a slight colour to his cheeks and he was looking down and then up at me through his thick black eyelashes. My heart fluttered as his green eyes met mine.

OH DEAR GOD. I was in love with my best friend. I felt the colour flood to my cheeks as the realisation hit me and my heart pounded in my chest. I was suddenly aware of everything. I was aware of the way my hair was mussed up and sticking out all over the place. The fact that I had huge dark circles under my eyes and no makeup on didn't help. I never felt like this before but then I guess I hadn't realised that I was in love with the boy I had spent every minute with every day for the past God knows how many years. I turned my attention to Romeo, all too aware that I had been staring at Luke for over a minute and also, whilst my new friend was badly injured in a hospital, it wasn't the best time to have a bloody epiphany. But God, just how long had I loved Luke this way? Was that why it hurt so much to be away from him?

"Where's Hannah?" Romeo asked, sounding anxious.

"Oh it's okay. The social workers needed to sort something out with her. They weren't sure where she was going to stay," I said, smiling at him warmly. I was so glad that he was okay. His face turned from worried to perfectly horrified.

"She's meant to stay with me! They can't take her away from me right?!" He asked, swinging his legs over the side of the hospital bed, obviously about to go get her.

"Romeo! Get back in the bed! You're too weak to go after her. They aren't going to take her away from you," I said. I wasn't sure that this was particularly true but I was willing to say anything to keep him from hurting himself. He swung himself back into his previous position, wincing slightly and pulled the covers back up.

"I realise that I can't look after her and it wasn't the best idea to leave her alone in the house while I was at school, but they just can't give her back to her real father. He would kill her!" He said, in a small voice, running his hands through his hair.

"If they do take her away, they'll place her with a good family," I said, seeing his pained expression, "I promise." I knew that they wouldn't put her back with someone abusive. I had no idea how Hannah was related to Romeo, but I knew they were close. I decided I would ask Luke about their relationship later.

We stayed with Romeo most of the night but left at eleven when our parents wanted to come home. Luke's parents had told my parents that he could sleep at our house in his bedroom like he usually did when we got back from somewhere late at night and also it was the weekend next so he could also stay for the whole weekend. When we arrived home to the news I looked at Luke, biting my lip nervously. I thought we were friends like old times again now but I wasn't sure whether he would be comfortable with sleeping over and going back to how we used to be so quickly. However, he nodded eagerly and ran upstairs 'to change into his jammies'. I had a feeling he was eager to start watching a movie as that was how our sleepovers always went. When I entered my bedroom I saw his bedding on the floor as usual, which I had luckily got Lucille to wash since I had been sleeping in them. I let out a high squeal as my eyes went across the room to wear Luke was standing in his boxers. I covered my eyes with both hands and spun around.

"I'm SO sorry!" I screeched not knowing what to do. His body, as usual, was divine. Nothing had changed in that department then and I could help wondering if he still felt the same about me. I knew he said he would always but I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if I were to kiss him right then. He chuckled that familiar laugh and I grinned at the sound of it.

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