The Boy Who Sleeps On My Bedroom Floor- Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Sorry this took so long! I had my french oral so lots of revision was involved AND I had a majorly bad case of writer's block! I think it was from the stress but I just wrote all of this in about an hour and a half so I did quite well tonight hahaha :) Enjoy and please, please, please vote and comment! I know it isn't very interesting but comment and let me know what you thought of it :)


I have never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life. Standing before was an anxious Luke, his hands folded in front of him and his nice shoes scuffing the floor. He was surrounded by his pool house which was dimly lit with nothing other than candles and the lights in the pool. In the pool, candles and numerous lilies floated and just in front of the pool was the table he had set for us. It was white and decorative with white crockery with a gold leaf rims and tall and elegant champagne glasses. White and pink rose petals were scattered across the table and the cutlery was laid out perfectly; just like in a restaurant.

In the back ground, some romantic music was playing softly and I was aware of my jaw hanging as I took in the extravagance of the place in utter awe.

"Luke, this is... this is incredible," I breathed. He blushed and looked up at me, meeting my eyes for the first time since we had entered the building. The lights in the water coupled with the light waves in the water made the whole place shimmer like something from a dream.

"You like it then?" He asked, his neck now flushed too.

"Like it? I love it! I love you," I said, blushing myself then. He positively beamed at me and walked to me, giving me a light peck on the lips.

"I'll never get tired of hearing you say that in my entire life," he whispered and then tensed slightly realising the implication of his words. I let him stew for a bit simply because I adored the lost puppy look on his face and then put him out of his misery.

"And I'll never get tired of saying it," and I kissed him passionately, winding my arms around his neck. I felt him grinning against my lips and then pulled away from me quickly as the sound of the door being opened roughly echoed around the house.

"Hello lovebirds, my names Leon and I'll be your server this evening," Leon's husky and clearly amused voice rang out into the silence. I blushed and turned to greet him. I immediately burst out laughing. He was wearing a tacky white suit with a black tie, a little apron and a napkin over his right arm. He had always enjoyed dressing up a little too much when we were younger.

He walked swiftly over to the table, ignoring my laughter and drew out a chair.

"M'lady," he said, gesturing to the chair. I smiled and walked over to take the seat. He pulled out the second chair. "For the gentleman," he said, giving me a wink. "Can I interest either of you in some champagne? Crystal, of course."

"I know it's your favourite," Luke whispered blushing again. He sure was flushing a lot that evening. Leon poured the both of us a glass before leaving again to go and 'prepare the starter', although Luke insisted that I shouldn't worry because all Leon had to do was bring out the plates. Everything had been ordered in from his parent's favourite restaurant. I bobbed my head along to the music for a while, enjoying the comfortable silence.

"I love this music! Who is this?" I enquired.

"Um, I think its Delta Goodrem. Leon said you'd like it and that it was uh, romantic or something," he said, biting his lip after and not quite meeting my eyes.

"Are you alright, Luke?" I asked. He was unusually awkward and quiet.

"I just want tonight to be perfect for and I'm a little nervous," he replied, his voice cracking a bit from nerves and he took swig of champagne. "I could have chosen the music myself, I mean, I know what you like. However, Leon was desperate to help and he said he was really good at all this romance stuff, and I'm used to loving you and I'm used to treating you as a best friend should not how I actually wanted to. I was scared I was going to wrong."

I accidentally let a giggle escape my lips and clapped a hand to my mouth.

"Don't laugh!" He said, but a smile was tugging on his lips. "It's just that you deserve the very best so I enlisted a little help!"

"Luke, relax. Please. Honestly, as long as I'm with you everything, EVERYTHING is always perfect. And you know why that is? Because you are perfect," I finished just as the starter arrived. It was fresh Thai tuna salad; one of my favourite dishes. My stomach growled loudly as I tucked in and thanked Leon once I had finished my first mouthful.

All the while that we ate, all through the main course and the dessert, we made easy conversation. The food was delicious and Luke and I devoured every last morsel of it. Once we had been sitting for a while, letting our food go down after we had retired to the cushions Luke had set up by the pool on a thick white blanket I had the idea.

"Let's go swimming," I exclaimed, getting up immediately.

"Uh, do you want to go back to your house to get you costume while I get my shorts?" Luke asked, also getting to his feet.

"Nope," I said popping the 'p', smirking evilly.

"You mean you want to go in in our underwear?" He asked looking worried.

"No. I want to go skinny dipping. I've always wanted to do it! And look at that sky!" I exclaimed looking through the transparent roof of the pool house. "Skinny dipping under the stars!"

"Kiddo, I don't think that's a good idea," Luke said, looking dubious.

"Why not? It'd be so romantic," I said, removing my heels and placing them at the side of the blanket. I started toying with the hem of my dress.

"Emi, I'm warning you. This may not end well," Luke said, abruptly putting his hands in his pockets.

"Fine," I huffed, "turn around."


"Turn around Luke!" I said again, raising my dress to my hips revealing my panties and bare legs.

"Oh dear God," he blurted before turning around quickly. I pulled my dress up over my head and removed my underwear before slipping soundlessly into the water.

"I'm in," I said quietly.

"Can you turn around then please?" Luke asked in a small voice. I sighed and turned around before letting him know I had done so. It was a few minutes before I heard a light splash and the water slopping around the sides.

"You can turn around again, then," Luke said quietly. Being in a pool with floating lilies and candles was just amazing. Being in a pool with lilies and candles and naked with my also very naked boyfriend was indescribable.

Ever the gentleman, Luke kept his eyes on my face the whole time. His eyes didn't even stray when I told him he was allowed to look.

"It's not like you haven't seen me naked before!" I said, inching closer to him.

"We were seven Emi; it's a little different now. We're a little... different now!" He exclaimed, exasperated.

"I happen to think you're very sexy," I said huskily.

"And I happen to think you are entirely TOO sexy for your own good- Goddamit Emi, will you stop trying to get so close to me!"

I laughed again, splashing him lightly in the face. We stayed in the warm water until we saw a light come on at the top of the garden, in the kitchen, meaning Leon would be on his way down to the pool house in ten minutes or so. Apparently he and Luke had worked out how long he would wait to come and stop clearing up. We both got dressed quickly one after the other. He turned his back for me again and I turned away for him. No peaking.

Okay, I may have peaked a bit. But only a bit and boy oh boy did I like what I saw. I've never seen a nicer ass in my life.

A night of a lifetime. Things were perfect.

:) COMMENT PLEASE :) and if you haven't already, head onto my profile and check out my other story. I assure you, you won't be disappointed :) please read it and comment and vote



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