The Boy Who Sleeps on my Bedroom Floor- Part 21

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I'm really happy with how this part turned out and I'm so, so, so happy that I managed to write it seeing as I've had limited time and a severe case of writers block! Also, loving the fact that we can now have bold and italic text. Now I can have what I wrote on Word copied onto here and it looks the same! YAY! Hope you enjoy this as much a I enjoyed writing it. Comment and let me know your thoughts. Any questions on the chappie or you just wanna chat to me about Emi and Luke and the story, I will be online this evening on and off. Don't hesitate to chat, I won't bite. I love the fact that me and you guys can now IM! :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Also, thanks to all the annoying cherubs for pressuring me so that I managed to upload with in my time limit. No thanks to the person who swore at me. (They've been suspended. Mwhahaha.)

I perched carefully on the side of the bed and gripped my mom's hand as my father inserted the DVD to the player. I felt the butterflies in my stomach as he pressed the play button on the remote and shot a nervous grin at Romeo who was hovering on the edge of his seat, obviously eager to see what my mom thought of our performance. He truly looked up to her and it was obvious from the way he looked at her and also, looked after her, that he adored her just as much as his own mother.

Mom gave my hand a feeble squeeze with her own as the lights slowly went up on the stage. This was the first time I had seen it played back too and Romeo and I were both anxious to see it as well as to find out what my mom thought. We had adapted the original version of the Muse and Michael Bublé 'Feeling Good Mash Up', as we liked to call it, so that each transition from version to version was smoother and the whole song had a better feel to it now.

Romeo and I were now both in full view on the stage. I smiled to myself when I saw my dress. We had been clever with the staging and costume design because we had decided that I was going to do my Moulin Rouge solo number straight after we performed the duet. Romeo was wearing a smart, plain black tuxedo but he had a red waistcoat on underneath the jacket and a pocket watch so that he was able to play his part as Harold Zitler later on. My dress was beautiful. The gorgeous pale pink color complimented my hair colour and made my eyes pop and glitter like sapphires. It had a heart shaped, ribbed corset and then a puffed skirt which was calf length. It did up around my waist with a clever secret clasp which meant as soon as Feeling Good ended, I could rip it off in the darkness before being hoisted upwards on the swing.

Romeo began to sing flawlessly, his voice rang out through the silence like a call from an angel. Every single time I heard him sing, it took my breath away. He was normally such a shy boy but when he sang his confidence sky rocketed and it was a change for the better. I loved seeing him so happy, especially after all the drama he'd had to put up with, what with Wes and his mom and looking after Hannah, and now the worry of when it would be my mom's time to go. My eyes immediately filled with tears but I blinked them back hurriedly.

Enjoy the time she has left with you; grieve later, I thought to myself and forced a smile onto my face. When I came in, my breath caught in my throat and my free hand flew to my chest. It didn't sound like me, not at all. It couldn't be me on the stage. The girl singing didn't have a single care in the world. She was free. That couldn't be me. But then I knew it was and I felt strangely proud of myself and I could practically feel the pride radiating from my parents. My eyes found Luke's and he beamed at me and I knew that although in some ways, my life had taken a turn for the worse; I was in fact the luckiest girl in the world.

Throughout the song, Romeo and I moved and sang in perfect time. It really was beautiful to watch. We reached the big note and watching it, you would have thought it was effortless but I knew better.

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