The Boy Who Sleeps on my Bedroom Floor- Part 20

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Luke's POV

2 Months Later

I woke up feeling cold and well, to put it honestly, weird. I sat up and wiped my eyes before ruffling my hair so it wasn't stuck to my face anymore. Just then, Emi's alarm clock went off loudly and I reached over her sleeping form to turn it off before she woke up. That was when it clicked. I fell back into my place in bed and looked about me in absolute and utter horror. The early morning sun that was streaming into the room from the gap in the windows was illuminating the room. The usual clear floor was littered with disregarded clothing. My shirt and jacket were in a jumble close to the closed bedroom door. A few feet away were Emi's dress and stockings. Her shoes had somehow ended up on the opposite side of her room. My pants were hanging haphazardly off the edge of the bed. Emi's panties and bra were looped over her bedside lamp. My bowers had been flung across the room. The sheets were a mess around us. I had kicked them off in my sleep. The kid's sleeping, naked form was barely covered.

One thought was flashing through my head over and over again; what the freaking hell have I done?


My girlfriend's mother had been in hospital overnight due to the terminal illness that she had and therefore her father was also out of the house staying at the hospital in case Eva took a turn for the worse overnight. We all knew that she didn't have long left, and often when we sat with her and visited her whether she was at home or in hospital, she was on so much morphine that she was barely aware of our presence. Romeo and Hannah had moved out to be with their mother a month earlier and my own parents had given me permission to stay over at Emi's so she wasn't alone. And what had I done?

I had taken my girlfriends virginity.

I had taken her virginity while her mother was sick in hospital and her dad was there looking after her. I had taken her virginity at the worst possible time. It wasn't meant to happen like that. It was meant to be special and memorable for all the right reasons. Now all she was going to remember, all I was going to remember, about one of the most important milestones in our relationship was how I had taken her virginity whilst her mother lay dying in hospital. And the worst part of the whole situation? I actually enjoyed myself.

We hadn't thought, we had just moved; kissing; touching; uniting.

I dropped my head onto the cold kitchen counter and groaned loudly. I wound my fingers into my messy hair and tugged hard. I was sitting on a stool in nothing but my boxers, feeling very sorry for myself.

"It takes two to tango, Lukey boy," she said. I turned to see the kid standing in the doorway to the kitchen. She had wrapped a thigh length, silk robe around her otherwise naked body and her beautiful long hair was drawn over one shoulder in a messy French braid. She looked like an angel in the morning light. Despite my crappy mood, I grinned at the sight of her. I couldn't NOT smile when I saw my girl. She was too perfect, and I was too in love. "And I'm glad we danced. It was the most beautiful experience of my life. I wouldn't change it for the world."

I looked at her in amazement. It only took her two sentences, and already I was relaxing. My hectic thoughts were leaving my mind and I was becoming able to process what had actually happened the previous night and how incredible it was. How beautiful it had been when we made love. Because that was how I saw what we had done. It couldn't have just been a distraction. Not when I loved her as much as I did. Not when she felt the way she did.

"Emi-" I started, but she interrupted.

"When times are hard, you need someone to provide you with happiness. It doesn't matter how they do it, but for the record, you did it perfectly," she recited, with a small smile on her mouth. I felt my heart beat a little bit faster and the blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Who said that?" I asked, wondering which of her dad's movies that line was from, as I stood up from my stool at the breakfast bar.

"I did," she answered in a whisper.

I reached her in three, quick strides and her mouth was on mine. Regrets, confusion, anxiety fled my body as her hands cupped my face, pressing it harder to hers and her tongue found mine. I wove my arms around her waist and pulled her little frame flush against mine. Our hips ground together as she swung round so we were out of the door and pressed me up against the kitchen wall.

She pulled away for breath and managed to gasp out, "I love you, so much," before she pressed her mouth desperately back to mine and kissed me fiercely. I shuffled so both of us moved away from the wall and tugged on her waist. She understood what I wanted and jumped up to wrap her legs around my waist. I gripped her thighs and I pulled away from her. She grinned at me and we both laughed as I walked us out of the kitchen and head for the stairs.

I staggered up the stairs and we shared a kiss whenever I had a break from walking. We slowly made our way back to her bedroom and tumbled onto her bed after I tripped over my shirt and jacket. I laughed as she grabbed the disregarded condom box from last night and just tipped the contents out to save time. It wasn't as clumsy and we didn't fumble like we did before, but the feelings were the same. The love, the adoration, the completeness I felt when I was with her just strengthened. And I was happy.

I looked right into her eyes. "I never want to be without you."

A/N: AHHHHH THEY DID THE DEED. TWICE. My babies are growing up! Hope that wasn't too corny/sappy for you. I wanted it to be classy, not sleazy. I realise that many of you will have unanswered questions, there are untied ends- the talent show, Romeo and Hannah, Emi's mom (who is still hanging in there... for now :'( ) etc. They will be answered in following chapters.

Comment and vote and fan and stuff yes? (Can't believe that I haven't updated for like two months and I'm actually in the top 100 on the What's Hot list. I know you guys are awesome at doing all that voting and commenting [comments are my favourite things to get] stuff! I LOVE Y'ALL FOR THAT.)

I love you all, my cherubs. Until the next time (there won't be a two month break, don't worry hahaha)


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