The Boy Who Sleeps on my Bedroom Floor- Part Four

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Part Four

(A/N after, please read)

The initial shock that had bubbled up inside me when his lips gently pressed to mine subsided when my brain started screaming 'WOW WOW WOW!' It was a soft, innocent kiss, but somehow it still managed to stun me and make me go weak at the knees. Birds tweeting, choirs, fireworks, angels; you name it, I had it. I pulled him closer and then a knot formed in the bottom of my stomach. Was I in love with Luke? No. I loved him, but I wasn't in love with him. I shrugged out of his arms, pulling my face away and I turned around.

Tears had risen up in my eyes and were threatening to spill over. I bit my bottom lip. Did Luke love me? If I was the mystery girl, would it be fairer to tell him that I didn't feel for him that way and break his heart? I couldn't lead him on and I knew that for sure. I felt a large hand rest, on my shoulder, give it a squeeze and then it was gone. The absence of his presence seemed to cause the tears to fall down my face and I turned around only to find that he was gone.

I searched the surrounding area for his huge figure lumbering away but saw nothing. I wiped my eyes and started to move threw the throngs of people.

"Luke?" I called but no one answered me. I continued to weave my way through the crowds and saw him heading of towards the other end of the beach. I started to run, my long and limber legs being useful for once.

"Luke!" I yelled again and he stopped. I saw the muscles in his back and shoulders rippled and tense as he slowly turned around. I caught up with him and stood looking at his face whilst I caught my breath. His kind face was dark and unreadable.

"Kiddo, I've done something really stupid and its best you leave me alone right now," he said. He seemed to be struggling to keep his voice level and calm. Was he angry?

"What did I do? Are you angry with me?" He let out a humourless bark of a laugh.

"Angry? Yes. At you? No," he said looking in my eyes and trying to smile. "Go back to the party, Kid, and have some fun." He turned to walk away again. He strode off at such a fast pace that I had to jog to keep up with him.

"LUKE, stop now," I said, trying to keep my voice steady but not succeeding. I had meant to sound intimidating and powerful but I only sounded how I felt; miserable and terrified. I was terrified that I had made my best friend hate me.

Slowly he turned and his devastatingly beautiful face came into view. His eyes were glistening in the moonlight and he had pressed his lips tightly together.

"We should talk about this," I said, emploring him with my eyes.

"What? Talk about this whole situation, this whole MESS," he yelled the word, making me jump where I stood, "that I created for myself. I'm an idiot; a stupid, hormonal teenager who can't controll his emotions. I act with my heart, Kiddo, not my brain." I stared at him incredulously and ran one hand through my hair. More tears leaked from my eyes. "I can't talk right now. You're better off without me, I'll only hurt you." He turned and walked away briskly into the night. I opened my mouth but nothing but loud sobs came out. I wanted to call his name, make him stop but I just couldn't. I sank to the floor and curled up in the foetal position.

I don't know how long I was there, how long I cried for before I heard the voice.

"Are you alright?" I screamed, a loud blood curdling scream. The person may have been enquiring as to whether I was okay but the voice was deep, male and unfamiliar. I honestly believed I was going to be raped, or worse, killed.

"Hey, hey stop!" The person moved out of the shadows and into the light that was provided from the moon and a nearby burning torch stuck in the sand. I had sat up and was now staring at a large boy who may have been seventeen or eighteen. He had golden hair that was messily arranged on his tan head and he had bright blue eyes that seemed to glow in the flickering light of the flames. He was narrow but muscular, just as muscular as Luke. Luke; it hurt to even think his name. I let out another sob and then clamped my hand over my mouth and turned away from the stranger.

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