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Hey guys!

I know I haven't updated much, and yes I'm making so much excuses but please I hope you understand.

This book is about to end and I'd like to ask you couple of questions, I hope you could answer some:

1. What do you think about this current book?

2. I'd like to ask how you think of a store about aliens?

3. Or 90th century story?

4. How bout story's that doesn't include Pitch Perfect all together?

5.I'm thinking about writing either a one-shot or mine-series of Triple Treble, what do you say?

And lastly;

6. What you say about me?

Thank you so much for the support and votes for this book! I love you so much guys! Big big thanks!

Happy mother's day!

Pretending There's Me And YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora