Show and Tell is Cancelled(Like Always)

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Disclaimer: I own pretty much nothing. Mexico is my OC but only partly. His physical appearance was influenced by multiple medias of him. The plot is mine. ( ̄ω ̄)


Beep beep beep.

I opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm. I sat up groggily, rubbing my eyes.

I sighed happily as I stretched my arms. Sleep could do wonders for the body. I cracked my neck, feeling the joints pop. I had finally gotten a good night's sleep, the first in over two weeks.

I had gone on holiday to meet with(read: annoy) England about some very important things. Unfortunately, nothing had been accomplished and I ended up with a massive pile of paperwork.

I frowned, I hated wasting my time, but it was just another way to keep people from worrying about my country. If I wasn't just the happy-go-lucky idiot everyone was either mildly frustrated with or at least interested in, would they even tolerate me? Or would they just mindlessly wage war against my people? I had enough to worry about, what with ISIS, economy, the Presidential elections, global warming, the list was endless! How was I going to fix it all without being seen as a superpower that was most likely going to try to rule the world?

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. This was too stressful to be thinking about in the morning.

Getting up I changed into some casual clothing, just a pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of black Vans and my American flag T-shirt. I finished the look with a black leather jacket.

I appreciated myself in the mirror. I really knew how to dress nice when I felt like it.

Well, seeing as none of the nations were going to come by and say 'Hi! I'm gonna tour your country!' I could afford to wear something casual. No stuffy suits for me! And as much as I loved my bomber jacket, sometimes it just didn't fit the outfit.

I fixed myself some breakfast and a cup of coffee, adding a ton of sugar. I don't know how people can stand plain black coffee; it's so bitter.

Sitting on a chair, sipping my coffee I looked over my mail. Bills, bills, and look, more bills. Oh wait, this one was about taxes.

I snorted. I started the Revolution to get away from taxes, to make a land for the brave and the free; and what do I get? The very thing I broke away from! Taxes pile on, people are discriminated against because of color, race, religion, sex, sexuality. The freedom I and so many had worked for was being destroyed from the inside out.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. This was my day off, I shouldn't be worrying about this stuff.

It's my job to worry. I thought to myself. I'm the country itself.

But, but that's also what the president was for. I argued. He or she was supposed to worry about the country too. All the responsibility didn't fall just on my shoulders, it fell on the president's too.

I sighed, even with a well-deserved day off I couldn't escape my problems.

I stood up, I just couldn't sit here doing nothing. Maybe I could get Canada to go to a college with me, heaven knows I needed to catch up on modern day knowledge.

Walking out I decided to go to a college not far from here. I couldn't do anything in Gakuen Academy because all the other countries would see I was smarter than they thought, and I didn't want to risk their friendship. Although North Korea and I had a tense friendship right now.

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