TNFAtW Pt. 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, so this whole story will probably never be canon. ;-; Oh, well, I can dream.


Countries' names:

America: Alfred

Canada: Matthew

England: (not canon) Evan

Russia: (technically not canon) Ivan

China: (not canon) Cory

Prussia: (not canon) James

Germany: (not canon) Aldwin

Japan: (not canon) Darwin

Italy: (not canon) Edmundo

Romano: (not canon) Jason

Spain: (not canon) Arturo

France: (not canon) Peter


Third Person PoV

Jordan had been staying with Alfred for about a week now, going on two. He knew, from the fact that Alfred hadn't started complaining and the act that he was making sure that he wasn't abusing his stay, that he wasn't being a bother, but that didn't stop him from worrying. He had resolutely started avoiding Jonathan during college, even going so far as to actively start eating his lunch with Alfred every single day(even though he was really starting to get tired of McDonalds). Jordan had fallen into a steady rhythm. Wake up, go to school, avoid Jonathan at the lunch period, go home-yes, he was beginning to think of Alfred's place as his home-, go to work, go to sleep, repeat. It was boring, to say the least.

"Hey, Jordan, Aldwin just invited me to go help some of his family study, do you want to come with?" Alfred was giving Jordan a ride, as was the habit now. Jordan thought for a moment, shifting a little to move the seatbelt so it wasn't rubbing right up against his collarbone.

Jordan winced. "I don't think so, Al, I've got some homework I've got to finish. Plus, the house needs to be cleaned."

"Bull," Alfred said abruptly.

Jordan turned to look at him. He didn't bother asking why, he knew the answer. The house was practically spotless and he had no homework to speak of. Jordan sighed and shifted again. The next time, he decided, he would come up with a better excuse. "Fine, I'll come along. Not like I have anything better to do." It would probably do him good to get out more often, he supposed. Albeit it wasn't what he would have gone out for, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

From the corner of his eye, Jordan saw Alfred grin widely. "Great!" Alfred said, carrying out a little tune. "'Cause I wasn't gonna let you stay inside one more time. That, and I doubt I can handle Aldwin's entire extended family. By myself, anyway."

Jordan decided to make a jab at Alfred. "What? Can't the hero handle a little family?"

Alfred rolled his eyes, smiling drily. "Ha ha, very funny. But hey, even the best hero needs a sidekick!"

Jordan raised an eyebrow. "Uh, excuse me, I am not a sidekick. At most, I am a partner in crime."

"Uh-huh, regardless, you're coming with me."

Jordan sighed and adjusted his hat. It was getting to be too warm and humid or beanies now, so he resorted to wearing snapbacks and the cheapest baseball caps he could find. Alfred parked the car in front of Aldwin's house, looking over at Jordan every few seconds.

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