College Life

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Disclaimer: I own pretty much nothing. Mexico is my OC but only partly. His physical appearance was influenced by multiple medias of him. The plot is mine. No touchy of plot without my consent. ( ̄ω ̄)


Great. Just great. I really shouldn't have gone and enrolled myself in college on the last semester of the school term. Now I had pile upon pile of homework. And I still went to meetings and attended college. Professor Amanda, who taught Advanced Calculus, sure was a slave driver. Of course, my other teachers weren't exactly generous either.

I was getting the homework done, most of it I already knew, but there was some that was kind of new to me. A few theories had been tweaked a bit and others were now proven wrong, but otherwise I still knew what was what. Of course, with me having enrolled myself so late in the school term I had a lot of 'catching' up to do, hence all the homework.

I ended up doing some during the World meeting, but it didn't look like anyone had noticed.

I seriously needed some coffee right now, but I was going to be late to class.

Running, I barely even made it to class. Mrs. Murray, my American History teacher, barely looked up from her attendence sheet as I came in and sat down.

"Ah, Mr. Jones, so pleased to see you decided to come."

"Sure thing, ma'am." I said as I pulled out my history book. It's so nice knowing people read my biograpghy so often.

Looks like we're starting debates on whether America should have fought in Vietnam or not.

I'll skip the boring details, bottom line: Class was split in two.

I swear, this wasn't American History; it was Debate club.

Going to my next class I mentally cheered. Professor Destiel was going to let us do a lab today. We were going to find out which chemicals would mix safely and which wouldn't. This was dangerous, so Professor Destiel decided to do this outside away from anything that could catch on fire or explode. Good call I must say.

One of my classmates, Lee Wong, was in my Advanced Calculus and World History class too, along with a girl named Jamie. Jamie is really cool, and smart. I'm pretty sure Lee has a crush on her, so I might just help him along if Jamie likes him too. 'Cause to be honest, I think they'd look adorable together.

Anyway, Jordan, the guy who sits next to me(or is it the guy I sit next to?) is kind of a jerk, but I think I just annoy him. I can't help but be energetic and happy.

Jordan was in my Advanced Chemistry, Advanced Science and Advanced Algebra; but we only sat with each other in Chemistry.

Thinking about it, maybe I could have just taken a test to see how much I knew was still actually considered 'true'.

I paused for a second, holding the test tube filled with a chemical over the bigger beaker. I could do that still, just take the test and see if, according to modern studies, I was still 'smart'.

I shook my head at the thought. Nah, I could, but where's the fun in that?

I proceeded mixing the chemical with whatever Jordan had decided to mix together with it.

World, Meet North AmericaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz