Canada and Mexico Meet Again

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Disclaimer: I own pretty much nothing. Mexico is my OC but only partly. His physical appearance was influenced by multiple medias of him. The plot is mine. No touchy of plot without my consent. ( ̄ω ̄)


Walking into the meeting room I sat down. It had barely been five minutes before Mexico came in too.

He glanced at me. "Let me guess, Norte America?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "Sometimes I think she meddles too much, but she means well. Besides, I'm tired of America's mask too."

"Sí," Mexico agreed. "I liked el gringo better when he was smart and had revolutionary ideas. He's too medioso to show who he is to the world now."

I nodded.

"So, how are we going to do that?" I asked, clutching Kumajiro(Yes, I remembered his name, we've been practicing).

Mexico sighed and ruffled his black/purple hair. "I wish I knew, primo, I wish I knew."

We settled into our assigned seats as everyone else arrived.

"You're just jealous of my superior culinary skills, black sheep of Europe." France snickered as he and England walked in. Then he noticed Mexico. "Oh? Mexico, you decided to come to the meeting?" France asked as he sat down, England forgotten.

Mexico nodded and clearly restrained from glaring at France and England. He was still mad at them for a few past transgressions. I froze. When Mexico sees Spain all Hell was going to break loose.

Just then a voice said, "Roma~!" Mexico froze. "You can't just go around picking the lock to people's safes!" The voice whined.

"So?" Romano's voice could be heard from behind the door. "It's not like it was a challenge anyway, bastardo. Next time make sure the password isn't 'tomato'."

Romano walked in, and a few steps behind was Spain. Once Romano was out of the way Mexico shot at Spain.

I'm not entirely sure how he snuck the gun in, but I shouldn't be surprised, Mexico is very good at smuggling things over borders. Just ask America.

Spain yelped and slammed the door shut. "¡¿Para que me estan pistoleando?! ¿¡Quien me esta pistoleando!?"

"Woah, dude!" America's voice complained through the door. "Do you mind, Spain? I kinda want to get in."

"No way!" Cried Spain. "Someone's gotta gun in there!"

Mexico shot another round just to scare Spain.

"Hey, whoever's got the gun, would'ya stop shooting us? We gotta get in."

Mexico snorted. "Fat chance, Gringo. Give me back Texas and maybe I'll consider it though."

"Mexico?" America and Spain asked through the door.

"The one and only, estúpidos." Mexico said smirking.

"I can't give you back Texas, but I'll give you a million pesos, how about it?" America offered.

"Give me ten million and we're good." Mexico said.

"What? Ten million? No way, dude. How 'bout five million?" America bargained.

"Fine," Mexico agreed. "but five million from both of you or no deal."

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